Cyber Wales are delighted to welcome the NDEC Team and TechNation to give us some updates at our September All Wales Cluster meeting.
"Just when you thought it was safe to back in the water..." or should that read "safe to go out and about meeting people", we start to see signs of the much predicted second wave!
This doesn't bother us jolly cyber folks though because our All Wales Cyber Security Cluster meeting this month will once again be a web-session.
The National Digital Exploitation Centre (NDEC) in Ebbw Vale haven't been resting during the lockdown either and they will be providing us with an update of what they have been doing. Including:
- Opening the Centre by Ken Skates the Ecomony Minister in February;
- Joining the Ventilator Challenge UK in March;
- Providing their threat analysis service free to NHS Wales in April;
- Involvement in the launch of Cyber Coleg Cymru in May;
- Running the cyber security industry in Wales 'Videothon' in June;
- Running demos of their Cyber Lab in July; and
- Forging partnerships with Cluster members such as Awen in August
We will also be hearing from Gino Brancazio at TechNation about 3 brand new Programme they are launching.
Along with a bucketload of News & Opportunities there will be something for everyone at this Summertime Cluster meeting.
See you all there!
Link to the event -