Cybersecurity Collaboration Workshop with Legal Innovation Lab Wales
Fancy a trip to the new ‘Digital Technium’ at Swansea University?
The original technium was built in 2003 but has now been updated, upgraded and then joined to one of the oldest buildings on the campus – the Grade II Listed Fulton House – in a new-meets-old melding.
The South Wales Cyber Security Cluster will be joining the Legal Innovation Lab Wales for an afternoon of brainstorming the obstacles and opportunities in LegalTech.
Come and meet cybersecurity researchers and a range of key stakeholders to discuss pressing cybersecurity challenges and priorities, and maybe even develop some new collaborative projects and initiatives.
If you work in cyber in the legal sector or if you provide cyber products and services to legal firms, then come along to this special one-off workshop and explore opportunities with the Swansea University team.
See you all there.
Part of a Two-Day Event
This session is actually part of a two-day showcase event so, if you fancy immersing yourself in a recap of all the good work the University have been doing then please register at the same link.
Based at Swansea University’s Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law, Legal Innovation Lab Wales has, since its inception in 2020, been working to accelerate advancements in the legal industry and invigorate growth in Legal Tech in Wales and beyond.
Part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Welsh Government and Swansea University, the Lab has worked in collaboration with many organisations across the legal, public and third sector to support the growth and sustainability of a vibrant economy to improve access to justice for all.
Legal Innovation Lab Wales has accomplished so much over the years through:-
- The LegalTech & Commercial Law Master’s Programme;
- The Cyber Threats Research Centre (CyTReC); and
- The Swansea Law Clinic
With the Lab’s WEFO funding period now drawing to a close, we would love for you to join us to celebrate all the great achievements of the Lab and it’s supported projects!
Day 1: Panels and Exhibition Day
09:30 - Registration and refreshments
10:00 – Welcome from morning Chair, LILW Lead Academic, Stefano Barazza
10:15 – Panel One: LegalTech
Hear from the Lab’s research team about our achievements in legal innovation, with guest industry panel members, and be the first to see the launch of our new LegalTech video explainers.
11:15 – Panel Two: Swansea Law Clinic
Hear first-hand from Swansea Law Clinic about the support provided to the local community and the opportunities the clinic provides, with an opportunity to explore the clinic facilities.
12:00 – Exhibition and networking lunch
An chance to discover the Lab facilities whilst visiting a number of our Lab exhibition stands, giving you a great opportunity to talk with members of our projects about their work, research and future plans all whilst enjoying your lunch and making new connections.
13:30 – Welcome back from the Director of CYTREC, Prof. Stuart Macdonald
13:35 - Panel Three: Tech Solutions
Learn about some of the work that the Lab’s Software Development team have done to help combat a variety of different threats, as well as some of their future projects:
Project DRAGON-S (Developing Resistance Against Grooming Online – Spot and Shield) with Project Director: Prof. Nuria Lorenzo-Dus.
Project DRAGON-s is using expertise in linguistics, artificial intelligence, criminology, public policy and psychology – and working with partners from around the world including child protection NGOs, policy makers and law enforcement agencies – to develop ethically responsible tools to protect children from online grooming.
My Journey with Dr Gemma Morgan.
Hear unique insights into the development of the web-based, My Journey app, and the challenges and opportunities of developing digital technologies to reduce reoffending and support positive outcomes.
TRUE project with Prof. Yvonne McDermott Rees
Trust in User-generated Evidence (TRUE): Analysing the Impact of Deepfakes and Synthetic Media on Accountability Processes for Mass Human Rights Violations.
StreetSnap: Combatting Visual Representations of Hate, with Dr Lella Nouri
StreetSnap revolutionises the capture of hate visuals by frontline practitioners. Hear more about the development of the web-based, StreetSnap app which will inform community interventions across Wales and simplify communication across partner organisations working in this space.
14:45 - Break
15:00 – Panel Four: Tackling Online Harms
Join CYTREC members for a panel discussion on cyber threats and online harms, an overview of current challenges, regulatory responses and future opportunities.
Chair: Prof Maura Conway
Panellists include;
Dr Sara Correia-Hopkins, Lecturer in Cyber Threats
Dr Kamil Yilmaz, Postdoctoral Research Officer, CYTREC
Dr Kris Stoddart, Associate Professor in Cyber Threats, Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy
Sean McCafferty, On secondment to CYTREC from Tech Against Terrorism
16:00 – Thank you, refreshments and networking
16:30 – Close
Day 2: Workshop Day
This second day offers the opportunity to attend a number of practical workshop sessions hosted by Lab team.
Welcome and refreshments on day 2 will begin at 09:30am and sessions will run throughout the day from 10:00am until 15:00, with networking lunch provided.
9:30am – Welcome and refreshments
10:00 – Workshop 1: How to create a GPT-powered chatbot for lawyers
An interactive workshop demonstrating the creation of a GPT-based chatbot that can answer queries on legal documents and legislation
11:00 – Workshop 2: Working with Software Developers
Spend some time with our Software team to understand how innovation can support and enhance your work, bring along your ideas and discuss potential routes to developing new solutions
12:00 – Lunch and networking
13:00 – Workshop 3: Cybersecurity Collaboration Workshop
Join cybersecurity researchers and a range of key stakeholders to discuss pressing cybersecurity challenges and priorities, and develop collaborative projects and initiatives
15:00 – Close
Digwyddiad Arddangos Labordy Arloesi Cyfreithiol Cymru
Ymunwch â ni i ddathlu cyflawniadau'r Labordy drwy’r cyfnod ariannu gan WEFO ac archwiliwch gyfleoedd ar gyfer arloesi yn y dyfodol.
Wedi’i leoli yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Hillary Rodham Clinton Prifysgol Abertawe, mae Labordy Arloesi Cyfreithiol Cymru, a sefydlwyd yn 2020, wedi bod yn gweithio i gyflymu datblygiadau yn y diwydiant cyfreithiol ac annog twf mewn Technoleg Gyfreithiol yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.
Wedi’i hariannu’n rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop, Llywodraeth Cymru a Phrifysgol Abertawe, mae’r Labordy wedi gweithio ar y cyd â llawer o sefydliadau ar draws y sector cyfreithiol, sector gyhoeddus a’r trydydd sector i gefnogi twf a chynaliadwyedd economi fywiog i wella mynediad at gyfiawnder i bawb.
Mae Labordy Arloesi Cyfreithiol Cymru wedi cyflawni cymaint dros y blynyddoedd trwy Dechnoleg Gyfreithiol, CYTREC a Chlinig y Gyfraith Abertawe, a, gyda chyfnod ariannu WEFO y Labordy bellach yn dirwyn i ben, byddem wrth ein bodd petaech yn ymuno â ni i ddathlu holl lwyddiannau gwych y Labordy a’r prosiectau cysylltiedig!
Diwrnod 1: Paneli a Diwrnod Arddangos
9:30yb - Cofrestru a lluniaeth
10:00 – Croeso gan Gadeirydd y bore, Academydd Arweiniol Labordy Arloesi Cyfreithiol Cymru, Stefano Barazza
10:15 – Panel Un: Technoleg Gyfreithiol
Clywch gan dîm ymchwil y Labordy am ein cyflawniadau ym maes arloesi cyfreithiol, gydag aelodau panel gwadd o’r diwydiant, a byddwch y cyntaf i weld lansiad cyfres o fideos newydd yn esbonio hanfodion y maes Technoleg Gyfreithiol.
11:15 – Panel Dau: Clinig y Gyfraith Abertawe
Clywch yn uniongyrchol gan Glinig y Gyfraith Abertawe am y gefnogaeth a ddarperir i'r gymuned leol a'r cyfleoedd y mae'r clinig yn eu darparu, gyda chyfle i ymweld â chyfleusterau'r clinig.
12:00 – Arddangosfa a chinio rhwydweithio
Cyfle i ddarganfod cyfleusterau’r Labordy wrth ymweld â nifer o’n stondinau arddangos, gan roi cyfle gwych i chi siarad ag aelodau ein prosiectau am eu gwaith, eu hymchwil a’u cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol wrth fwynhau eich cinio a gwneud cysylltiadau newydd.
13:30 – Croeso nôl gan Gadeirydd, Cyfarwyddwr CYTREC, yr Athro Stuart Macdonald
13:45 - Panel Tri: Datrysiadau technoleg
Clywch gan dîm Datblygwyr Meddalwedd y Labordy. Edrychwch yn ôl ar y gwaith y maent wedi’i wneud i gefnogi nifer o brosiectau ac edrychwch ar prosiectau’r dyfodol, gan gynnwys;
Prosiect DRAGON-S (Developing Resistance Against Grooming Online – Spot and Shield) gyda Chyfarwyddwr y Prosiect: Yr Athro Nuria Lorenzo-Dus.
Mae Prosiect DRAGON-S yn defnyddio arbenigedd mewn ieithyddiaeth, deallusrwydd artiffisial, troseddeg, polisi cyhoeddus a seicoleg - ac yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid o bob rhan o'r byd gan gynnwys cyrff anllywodraethol amddiffyn plant, llunwyr polisi ac asiantaethau gorfodi'r gyfraith - i ddatblygu offer moesegol cyfrifol i amddiffyn plant rhag meithrin perthnasau amhriodol ar-lein.
My Journey gyda Dr Gemma Morgan.
Clywch fewnwelediadau unigryw i ddatblygiad yr ap My Journey ar y we, a’r heriau a’r cyfleoedd o ddatblygu technolegau digidol i leihau aildroseddu a chefnogi canlyniadau cadarnhaol.
Prosiect TRUE gyda'r Athro Yvonne McDermott Rees
Ymddiriedaeth Mewn Tystiolaeth a Gynhyrchir gan Ddefnyddwyr: Dadansoddi Effaith Ffugiadau Dwfn (‘deepfakes’) a Chyfryngau Synthetig ar Brosesau Atebolrwydd ar gyfer Troseddau Hawliau Dynol Torfol
StreetSnap: Brwydro yn erbyn cynrychioliadau gweledol o gasineb, gyda Dr Lella Nouri
Mae StreetSnap yn chwyldroi cipio delweddau casineb gan ymarferwyr rheng flaen. Cewch glywed mwy am ddatblygiad yr ap StreetSnap ar y we a fydd yn llywio ymyriadau cymunedol ledled Cymru ac yn symleiddio cyfathrebu ar draws sefydliadau partneriaeth sy'n gweithio yn y bwlch yma.
14:45 - Egwyl
15:00 - Panel Pedwar: Mynd i'r afael â niwed ar-lein
Ymunwch ag aelodau CYTREC am drafodaeth banel ar fygythiadau seiber a niwed ar-lein - trosolwg o’r heriau a chyfleoedd cyfredol.
Cyflwynydd: Prof Maura Conway
Mae'r panelwyr yn cynnwys;
Dr Sara Correia-Hopkins, Darlithydd mewn Bygythiadau Seiber
Dr Kamil Yilmaz, Swyddog Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol, CYTREC
Dr Kris Stoddart, Athro Cyswllt mewn Bygythiadau Seiber, Troseddeg, Cymdeithaseg a Pholisi Cymdeithasol
Sean McCafferty, Ar secondiad i CYTREC o Tech Against Terrorism
16:00 - Diolchiadau, lluniaeth a rhwydweithio
16:30 - Cau
Diwrnod 2: Diwrnod Gweithdai
Mae'r ail ddiwrnod hwn yn cynnig y cyfle i fynychu nifer o sesiynau gweithdy ymarferol a gynhelir gan dîm y Labordy.
Bydd croeso a lluniaeth ar ddiwrnod 2 yn dechrau am 09:30yb a bydd sesiynau'n rhedeg trwy gydol y dydd o 10:00yb tan 15:00, gyda chinio rhwydweithio yn cael ei ddarparu.
9:30yb – Croeso a lluniaeth
10:00 – Gweithdy 1: Sut i greu chatbot GPT wedi'i bweru ar gyfer cyfreithwyr
Gweithdy rhyngweithiol sy'n dangos creu chatbot seiliedig ar GPT a all ateb ymholiadau ar ddogfennau cyfreithiol a deddfwriaeth
11:00 – Gweithdy 2: Gweithio gyda datblygwyr meddalwedd
Treuliwch beth amser gyda'n tîm Meddalwedd i ddeall sut y gall arloesi gefnogi a gwella eich gwaith, dod â'ch syniadau ynghyd a thrafod llwybrau posibl i ddatblygu atebion newydd
12:00 - Cinio a rhwydweithio
13:00 – Gweithdy 3: Gweithdy Cydweithredu Cybersecurity
Join cybersecurity researchers and a range of key stakeholders to discuss pressing cybersecurity challenges and priorities, and develop collaborative projects and initiatives
15:00 - Cau