Find Your Future In Carmarthenshire - Careers Event by Darogan Talent
19th June 2024 | 12.00 - 17.00

Find Your Future in Carmarthenshire / Darganfod Dy Ddyfodol yn Sir Gâr

Sign up for your free place as an exhibitor at our graduate careers event. You will have your own stand with a table/chairs and access to free food & drinks throughout the event.

Come join us at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David for an exciting event, where you can connect with students, graduates and degree-educated job seekers who are looking to find their future in Carmarthenshire. The event will be the perfect opportunity for local businesses, universities, and organizations to discover and network with both talented candidates and each other.

Cofrestrwch am ddim i sicrhau eich lle fel arddangoswr. Bydd pob cyflogwr yn cael eu stondin eu hunain gyda bwrdd a chadeiriau, a bwyd a diod am ddim drwy gydol y digwyddiad.

Dewch i ymuno â ni ym Mhrifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant ar gyfer digwyddiad gyrfaoedd cyffrous, lle gallwch gysylltu â myfyrwyr, graddedigion a cheiswyr gwaith graddedig sy'n edrych i ddod o hyd i'w dyfodol yn Sir Gâr. Bydd y digwyddiad yn gyfle perffaith i fusnesau, prifysgolion a sefydliadau lleol ddarganfod a rhwydweithio gyda'i gilydd a gyda graddedigion dawnus.

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