Women in Cyber Wales is part of the Cyber Wales Group. The meetings provide a valuable way for women working, or hoping to work, in the cyber industry to meet and support each other. Our next event is taking place in person in Cardiff, with an online (Teams) option for those who aren't able to join us in person. You don't have to live or work in Wales to attend.
Taking place at the impressive Sparc building in Cardiff, we'll hear all about the work of the Cyber Innovation Hub that is based there. We also hear from Sophie Kneeshaw, an inspiring speaker who has moved from an arts career into the tech sector, and then have input from the CyberFirst team in Wales, including details on how you can get involved in this important initiative. Finally, we'll have a workshop style discussion around what the Women in Cyber network can and should offer its members, both within Wales and into the UK, as well as looking at what other support and training members might like to see on offer, and we'd really value an open discussion on this topic.
The Cyber Innovation Hub have generously offered to provide lunch for those attending in person, so attendance will be on a first come, first served basis as numbers will be limited at the venue.
Provisional timings: Start 11am (both in-person & online), 12.30pm lunch break, 1pm Skills workshop (online delegates may join as well). 1.30pm close.
We hope you will be able to join us for this event.
Our speakers:
- Sophie Kneeshaw, Associate Developer, Sky
- Dr Yulia Cherdantseva, Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security, Cardiff University
- Holly Lidbury, CyberFirst Wales Project Lead
We will also have the brilliant Kevin Dainty with us. Kevin works for Reed, and has set up and runs a highly successful Women in Tech network, connecting women across the whole technology sector and facilitating an excellent mentoring programme.
Sophie Kneeshaw is an Associate Developer for Sky.
"I'm a recent career-changer into the tech industry. During 2022, I career changed from a Head of Performing Arts to an Associate Developer at Sky. In February, I wrote my first line of code and by May, I had a sponsored place on Code First Girls Full Stack degree. In September, I joined a mentoring programme which was pivotal in helping me prepare for technical interviews and tests, which then led to my job offer from Sky in October. In January, I also began instructing for Code First Girls so that I could inspire other women considering and/or preparing for a career in technology."
Holly Lidbury is the CyberFirst lead for Wales. This project is funded by the National Cyber Security Centre and hosted by the University of South Wales. Its aim is to raise the aspirations of young people to consider careers in cyber security, by encouraging the schools they attend to become part of the CyberFirst schools scheme. Linking industry directly to schools, the project runs a number of outreach activities for young people and supports schools to achieve CyberFirst schools status.
Yulia Cherdantseva is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University. She is the Director of the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Education (ACE-CSE) and Co-Director of the Digital Transformation University Innovation Institute. Yulia is also a member of the Executive Board of the CyBOK project, a national project funded by the National Cyber Security Centre focused on codifying cyber security knowledge, and will be joining us to talk about her work relating to the newly formed Cyber Innovation Hub.
By signing up for this event you consent to your details being added to our database in order to receive information about future meetings.
This event is hosted by Clare Johnson, Founder of Women in Cyber Wales and Cyber Capability Consultant at ITSUS Consulting.
Mae Menywod yn Seiber Cymru yn rhan o Grŵp Cyber Wales. Mae'r cyfarfodydd yn ffordd werthfawr i fenywod sy'n gweithio, neu'n gobeithio gweithio, yn y diwydiant seiber i gwrdd a chefnogi ei gilydd. Mae ein digwyddiad nesaf yn cael ei gynnal wyneb yn wyneb yng Nghaerdydd, gydag opsiwn ar-lein i'r rhai nad ydynt yn gallu ymuno â ni yn bersonol. Does dim rhaid i chi fyw na gweithio yng Nghymru i fod yn bresennol.
Yn cael ei gynnal yn adeilad trawiadol Sparc yng Nghaerdydd, byddwn yn clywed popeth am waith yr Hwb Arloesedd Seibr sydd wedi'i leoli yno. Rydym hefyd yn clywed gan Sophie Kneeshaw, siaradwr ysbrydoledig sydd wedi symud o yrfa gelfyddydol i'r sector technoleg, ac yna cael mewnbwn gan y tîm CyberFirst yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys manylion ar sut y gallwch gymryd rhan yn y fenter bwysig hon. Yn olaf, byddwn yn cael trafodaeth ar ffurf gweithdy ynghylch yr hyn y gall ac y dylai rhwydwaith Menywod mewn Seibr ei gynnig i'w aelodau, yng Nghymru ac i'r DU, yn ogystal ag edrych ar ba gefnogaeth a hyfforddiant arall yr hoffai aelodau ei weld ar gael, a byddem wir yn gwerthfawrogi trafodaeth agored ar y pwnc hwn.
Ein siaradwyr:
- Sophie Kneeshaw, Associate Developer, Sky
- Dr Yulia Cherdantseva, Senior Lecturer in Cyber Security, Cardiff University
- Holly Lidbury, CyberFirst Wales Project Lead
Bydd gennym hefyd y Kevin Dainty gwych gyda ni. Mae Kevin yn gweithio i Reed, ac mae wedi sefydlu a rhedeg rhwydwaith Merched mewn Technoleg hynod lwyddiannus, gan gysylltu menywod ar draws y sector technoleg gyfan a hwyluso rhaglen fentora ardderchog.
Mae Sophie Kneeshaw yn Ddatblygwr Cyswllt Sky.
"Rwy'n newid gyrfa yn ddiweddar i'r diwydiant technoleg. Yn ystod 2022, newidiodd fy ngyrfa o fod yn Bennaeth Celfyddydau Perfformio i fod yn Ddatblygwr Cyswllt yn Sky. Ym mis Chwefror, ysgrifennais fy llinell gyntaf o god ac erbyn mis Mai, roedd gen i le noddedig ar radd Code First Girls Full Stack. Ym mis Medi, ymunais â rhaglen fentora a oedd yn ganolog i'm helpu i baratoi ar gyfer cyfweliadau a phrofion technegol, a arweiniodd wedyn at fy nghynnig swydd gan Sky ym mis Hydref. Ym mis Ionawr, dechreuais hefyd gyfarwyddo Code First Girls fel y gallwn ysbrydoli menywod eraill sy'n ystyried a/neu'n paratoi ar gyfer gyrfa mewn technoleg."
Holly Lidbury yw arweinydd CyberFirst Cymru. Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan y Ganolfan Seiberddiogelwch Genedlaethol ac fe'i cynhelir gan Brifysgol De Cymru. Ei nod yw codi dyheadau pobl ifanc i ystyried gyrfaoedd ym maes seiberddiogelwch, drwy annog yr ysgolion y maent yn mynychu i ddod yn rhan o'r cynllun ysgolion CyberFirst. Gan gysylltu diwydiant yn uniongyrchol ag ysgolion, mae'r prosiect yn cynnal nifer o weithgareddau allgymorth i bobl ifanc ac yn cefnogi ysgolion i gyflawni statws ysgolion CyberFirst.
Mae Yulia Cherdantseva yn Uwch-ddarlithydd yn yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Hi yw Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Academaidd Rhagoriaeth mewn Addysg Seiberddiogelwch (ACE-CSE) a Chyd-Gyfarwyddwr y Sefydliad Arloesi Prifysgol Trawsnewid Digidol. Mae Yulia hefyd yn aelod o Fwrdd Gweithredol prosiect CyBOK, prosiect cenedlaethol a ariennir gan y Ganolfan Seiberddiogelwch Genedlaethol sy'n canolbwyntio ar godio gwybodaeth seiberddiogelwch, a bydd yn ymuno â ni i siarad am ei gwaith yn ymwneud â'r Hwb Arloesi Seibr sydd newydd ei ffurfio.
Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn gan Clare Johnson, Sylfaenydd Menywod Mewn Seiber Cymru ac Ymgynghorydd Seiberddiogelwch yn ITSUS Consulting.