Cyber Wales Opportunities Archive

Opportunities Archive

Below are details of archived opportunities. See current opportunities Here

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Dot Cyber Summit 2023

Published: 25th August

Jordan will be hosting its first DOT Cyber Summit on 25 September.

Leading organizer is Jordan’s National Cyber Security Center in partnership with int@j [Jordan’s Technology Association]. The event will be under the Patronage of HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II.

For details and agenda Dot Cyber Summit | Amman | Sep 25.
They are inviting speakers and participants and expecting 400 local and regional participation.
If you are interested in participating, please let us know and we will make introductions to the organisers

UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration Request for Proposal (RFP) for Commercial Partnerships Support

Published: 1 September 2023

UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration (UKC3), is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced organisations to assist us in developing and managing commercial partnerships.

Contract summary



  • Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security - 79000000

Location of contract

Any region

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

1 September 2023

Closing date

15 September 2023

Closing time


Contract start date

2 October 2023

Contract end date

30 May 2024

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Negotiated procedure

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?


More information


National Software Academy Projects

Published: 7th August 2023

The National Software Academy are looking for projects for the new academic session.  
Projects are one of the key features of the Academy and one that, we hope, will help us continue to produce extremely well-qualified graduates.  If you are seeking to recruit graduate software engineers in the next 12 months, then sponsoring a project is an excellent way of building relationships with students.


Lunch & Learn
In addition to the projects, we have other opportunities to engage with the students, particularly through lunch and learn sessions and also through delivering case studies to students, particularly those in the final year. 
If you have a project or other engagement that you would like to propose, then please use the link below to send outline details to us for consideration by the academic team:


(Please can you submit project proposals no later than 11th September 2023)


Related to this, we would like to invite you to a networking session on Thursday 31st August where you can discuss your ideas for projects, lunch and learns, case studies and placements with our academic team.  Our MSc students will also be showcasing the projects that they have been working on over this summer.  We hope that you, or one of your colleagues, will be able to attend.  Until our new space is ready, and as our furniture is all packed, we invite you to an attend in Abacws building.  
Please sign up to the networking session using the link below:

Recruitment to Cyber Trade mission - Singapore

Published: 4th August 2023

The Defence and Security Exports (DSE), in association with the British High Commission in Singapore will be organising a cyber trade mission during Singapore International Cyber Week (16 – 19 Oct 2023).
The programme will include visit to cybersecurity entrepreneur hub, B2B meetings with system integrators & Singapore cyber companies at GovWare exhibition. This will be a great opportunity to understand Singapore’s cyber landscape and identify potential projects/partners. For further details about the programme, please find the brochure attached.
Companies who have innovative cyber security solutions and on-going engagement with Singaporean stakeholders will be given preference. 
Kindly note there will be no fee associated to participate in this cyber trade mission, but the selected companies will need to cover their own expenses (e.g flight, hotel, etc).

Cyber Career Day - Volunteers Wanted!

Published: 2nd August 2023

We are looking for Volunteer Cluster members to help with an IT focussed career day!

When: 27th October 2023

Where: Penarth, Wales

Who: Anyone who has a career within cyber/ IT - However the school is particularly interested in volunteers to help cover on-line safety/security, coding and IT used in TV and film


The day will start with an Assembly talk from Cyber Wales with the schools Year 8 group, who will then be split into 5 groups of around 30 students to attend 1 hour interactive workshops held by the Employers.

The goal of the Cyber workshops is to encourage more students to take up ICT/ Computing as a GCSE option. 

If you think you can make a difference and inspire a career choice in cyber, or want to help organise some workshop activities and want to be involved please reach out to our Operations Manager Mikaela Jones who will provide more information.

CyberTech Europe 3rd-4th October 2023

Published: 31 July 2023

On October 03rd-04th, 2023, Cybertech Europe will return to La Nuvola Convention Center in Rome to take the main stage and discuss our new, multi-faceted world.

The Cybertech Europe conference and exhibition will feature the latest innovative solutions from dozens of companies and top-notch speakers including senior government officials, C-level executives, and industry trailblazers from Europe and around the world.
Find out more information here

Degree Apprenticeship in Applied Software Engineering

Published: 21st July 2023

The Degree apprenticeship programme is an opportunity for businesses and organisations in Wales to upskill existing staff (or new recruits) whilst in employment,  for them to earn & learn and in the end achieve a full BSc in Applied Software Engineering. The programme is fully funded by the Welsh Government (£27,000 over 3 years) so it's at no cost to the student/staff or the organisation.


The employers commitment is to release their member of staff from employment every Wednesday afternoon, the teaching takes place face-to-face at Swansea University during three trimesters (12 weeks/term), every Wednesday from 1pm - 8pm. The employer also needs to provide a work-based mentor who can provide guidance and support (but it's a light role).  


The next cohort is starting on the 20th September, so there is still time to consider this opportunity for this year. The next intake would be in September 2024. Anyone working in Wales (minimum of 30h/week) at least 51% of their time, are eligible to apply for this course and get the funding. 



Provided by: Swansea University

Course Area: Wales

Course Type: Degree Apprenticeship

Start date: 22/09/2021

End date: 24/07/2024

Subjects: Computer Science, Software Engineering

Accredited by: BCS

Price: Free

Delivery Method: Face to face

Course overview

This degree apprenticeship programme runs over three years, with three trimesters per year. During each trimester, apprentices attend the University from 1pm-8pm every Wednesday and undertake two traditional academic modules. Each Wednesday, there are 4 hours of lectures followed by 3 hours in the computer lab. Each academic module is assessed through lab-based tasks, take-home assignments, and a mid-term and end-term in-class test.

For each of the 12 academic modules that you undertake during the first two years, you are required to specify and carry out a small work-based project which is bespoke to your company and which demonstrates technology transfer of the academic knowledge and skills attained in that specific module. These work-based projects constitute 25% of the programme each year.

During the third year, you are required to specify and carry out one substantial work-based project –  accounting for 25% of your final-year assessment – which provides a digital product suitable for deploying in your company.

Who is this course for

Digital skills are important for all companies and organisations, be they large multinational corporations or micro-companies. This degree apprenticeship is thus specifically designed to cater for aspiring IT professionals in any company.

What will I learn

The 18 taught modules that you undertake together constitute the core of any traditional University BSc programme in Software Engineering, combining technical skills training involving a wide range of programming tools, methods and techniques with theoretical foundations and professional issues.

Visit this course

Women In Cyber Cluster Meeting Wrap Up - July 2023

Published: 12th July 2023

Please find some information below following our Women in Cyber meeting held in Cardiff and online last week.
Thank you to those of you who were able to attend and a big thank you to all of our speakers, Sophie Kneeshaw, Holly Lidbury, Dr Elham Hassanain and Kevin Dainty. A special thank you also goes to Yulia Cherdantseva and the Cyber Innovation Hub for allowing us to use their rooms and for providing excellent refreshments.
Some of the updates included during the meeting are provided here.
Reed Women in Technology Mentoring Scheme
This scheme is highly successful and provides access to mentors, webinars and meetups. Kevin's slides are attached with details of how to find out more.
CyberFirst Wales
Holly explained how the CyberFirst Wales programme works, and how businesses can get involved in supporting the next generation of cyber talent. If you would like to get in touch with Holly for further information, please contact her on [email protected]. If you're based outside of Wales, Holly will be able to link you to your nearest equivalent.
Off Mute, a women in cyber podcast is written, hosted, recorded, and edited by Isabella, Sophie and Samantha (three cyber fast streamers in the Civil Service) in partnership with the Government Security Group! Off Mute's third guest is Lele, the Head of Government Risk and Compliance for Home Office Cyber Security. Lele discusses what governance, risk and compliance (GRC) is, balancing work and motherhood, and what good leadership looks like for her! Give it a listen and let the Off Mute team know what you think at [email protected] !
Survey on Women in Cryptography
During our meeting, Holly Proud-Street shared information about the research she is doing on Women in Cryptography. To find out more, read her LinkedIn post here:  or to go straight to the survey here: Well worth doing as it'll flex your memory too!
Those of you who attended will know that the Cyber Innovation Hub is looking at what support in terms of training it can provide to our network and women in the sector as a whole. We will keep you posted on any developments, but if you have any suggestions or comments, please do let us know and we will pass them on. We are also looking at potential training from Splunk and will follow up with further details in due course.
DSIT Cyber Runway - Grow & Scale
Cyber Runway is the UK’s largest accelerator for cyber entrepreneurs and companies in the country. Since its launch in 2021 it has supported more than 160 companies to gain the business skills, mentoring and connections they need to grow and scale. Applications are now open for Grow and Scale: 
Barclays Cyber Bridge
This scheme connects new businesses with established ones for support and mentoring. Applications are now open:
Cyber Sectoral Analysis 2024
A chance to have your say: This is an annual study that produces government statistics about the profile and growth of the UK cyber sector. Taking part will help to influence government policy and support in the area of cyber security. The study will be published on GOV.UK and is available to complete now: 
SANS Upskill in Cyber needs industry engagement. This programme upskills 250 individuals who gain GIAC certifications as part of their studies. SANS are hosting webinars on how industry partners can get involved, by interviewing graduates of the programme for entry level cyber security roles: 
In other news...
International Cyber Expo
Free tickets now available for this event, taking place in London, 26-27 September:
Young Women in Cyber
Remember you can still share details to join the Young Women in Cyber network, aimed at women aged between 16-25. We're speaking with the organiser and hoping to do a formal launch of the group later this year. The form to express an interest can be found here:
We are looking at September for our next meeting. If you'd like to contribute in any way, please do get in touch. In the meantime, enjoy the summer weather (fingers crossed) and apologies for the lengthy email!


Cofion cynnes | Kind regards  
Clare Johnson 
Sylfaenydd Menywod Mewn Seiber Cymru | Founder Women in Cyber Wales 

Wales Tech Week - 16-18 Oct 23 - Exhibitor

Published: 4th July 2023

Wales Tech Week 2023 will be an international, hybrid Tech Summit bringing together some of the world’s best tech minds to learn, connect and do business.


Wales Tech Week attendees come to learn, trade, level up their business, discover tech trends, and connect. Give your organisation the profile, promotion and access that only comes with plugging into the tech community and becoming a part of Wales Tech Week.


By becoming a Wales Tech Week Exhibitor you’ll unlock both a physical and a virtual exhibition as part of the Wales Tech Week 2023 experience. We are hosting a physical two day international Tech Summit followed by a unique Talent4Tech day to inspire and attract the next generation of tech talent. The Virtual Exhibition will be online from 16-31 October 2023 to give you further international exposure.


Benefits of Exhibiting:
• Your 15 second video ad on the Tech Box screen loop
• Connect with potential clients, partners, innovators, academia, and investors
• Showcase your innovations and products to an international audience
• Discover opportunities for business support and investment
• Attract and inspire tech talent during Talent4Tech
• Provides marketing, sales, and PR opportunities
• An opportunity to educate and inform on how your tech can transform for the better


The Wales Tech Week 2023 experience is streamlined and optimised to help you focus on showcasing your organisation. Once you have booked a stand with us, you will be directed to our Exhibition partner platform to confirm your design and details. The delivery and setup of your physical stand are included to bring your brand to life physically – and virtually. All you need to supply is the design!


Exhibitor Stand Options


Stand 5.0 - 4.5m - £7,500  (£7,250 for members)
Stand 4.0 - 3.9m - £5,000  (£4,750 for members)
Stand 3.0 - 3.0m - £4,000  (£3,750 for members)
Stand 2.0 - 2.4m - £3,000  (£2,750 for members)
Stand 1.0 - 1.5m - £2,500  (£2,250 for members)
Startup Alley - £250



As part of Wales Tech Week 2023, the Startup Alley zone will feature exciting Welsh tech startups to showcase incredible products, services, apps, and more. Successful applications will be able to Exhibit for just £250 ex VAT.  The Startup Alley zone will include a tabletop space and screen for each startup as well as a Virtual Exhibition on the Haia platform.

• The startup must be based in Wales, and
• The startup must be offering a tech based product or service, and
• The startup must have been founded between 2020 and 2023.

How to Apply
• Fill in the form on the Wales Tech Week website to apply and tell us about your startup.
• We will contact you to confirm if you have a place and send a booking confirmation.


Women in Cyber Wales Update - May 2023

Published: 25th May 2023

Dear friends
Next Women in Cyber meeting - in person and online - 6th July
We are looking at running our next Women in Cyber meeting as a hybrid online and in-person event from 11am on Thursday 6th July. More details to follow shortly, but we are hoping to host at Cardiff University in their new Sparc building, home to the Cyber Innovation Hub. We will have one or two guest speakers, and we will also provide an overview of the work of the Cyber Innovation Hub. There will be an opportunity to discuss cyber training needs with staff from the hub. An Eventbrite link will follow in the next few days, but please make a note of the date in your calendars for now.

SANS Upskill in Cyber

Once again SANS are offering free places on their Upskill in Cyber Programme, which is intended for people who have no experience in Cyber but are looking to join the sector. The programme is fully funded, lasts 10 weeks starting from 4th July and will arm you with two GIAC certifications. More details are available here: and if you are interested please email Caroline Locke on [email protected] to register your interest. Note that the 'Register' option on the website is not currently taking applications, so you must email Caroline directly.

Other training opportunities - Wales only

Welsh Government have several options for retraining available at no cost to the individual (subject to terms):

Personal Learning Accounts ( provide flexible and fully funded learning opportunities, with no upper cap on earnings for some selected digital skills courses. Options include online and in person learning. Coleg Gwent, for example, offer PLA courses in CompTIA Security+ and Cyber Security Analyst, as well as a number of AWS courses.

React Plus is an option for people who are out of work, including recent graduates, and those facing redundancy. This provides up to £1500 for retraining and more details can be found here: 

For employers, there is the Flexible Skills Programme ( This provides financial support to businesses looking to developing staff digital skills, and can provide up to 50% of training costs.

Job Opportunity

Please see this job opportunity from Stable (

Stable, a Microsoft Partner and a leading IT Consultancy based in Wales, is growing incredibly quickly.  We would like to invite you to come on the journey with us – to that end we have a new and exciting role in Information Assurance.  We are looking for individuals with experience or qualification in ISO 27001 to help support our Solutions Team.  If this is of interest and you would like to learn more, please contact Tegan on 029 21051 030.

Looking for work experience

Please see this request for work experience from one of our members:

Talented level 3 learner seeks work experience for her career in the cybersecurity industry. Having excelled at level 2 and is on target to complete with a Distinction, she is looking to spend some time this summer meeting other women in this extremely competitive and male dominated industry. She is a quiet but studious learner and would make a great assistant for someone willing to take her under their wing this Summer. Please contact her college lecturer [email protected].

Please let me know if there is anything you'd like me to add to our next mailing, and if you'd like to speak at one of our future meetings, I'd love to hear from you.


Cofion cynnes | Kind regards  


Clare Johnson 

Sylfaenydd Menywod Mewn Seiber Cymru | Founder Women in Cyber Wales 


Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay.

City of London Cyber Innovation Challenge 2023

Published: 12th May 2023

Applications are now open for the Cyber Innovation Challenge 2023.


The City of London Corporation and City of London Police are hosting an innovation challenge to spur tech development in cyber security.


Cyber security impacts businesses and individuals across the globe.  Whether facilitating information sharing about cyber threats, developing software to protect against cyber-attacks or deploying solutions to track illicit finance, technology has a vital role to play in increasing cyber security and operational resilience. At the same time, the regulatory environment around cyber security is constantly evolving.


Businesses need to have comfort and certainty in their ability to meet security guidelines, as well as those of their suppliers downstream. As risks emerge, there is a greater need for businesses to be able to assess their security posture and act with speed, both for the resilience of their organisation and of the wider ecosystem.


The Cyber Innovation Challenge will provide a unique platform for collaboration between financial services (banking, payments, insurance) and technology companies. Participants will work together to enhance innovative tech solutions to address a key security priority or “use case” for financial services.


Together, we are nurturing innovation in an increasingly important field and helping UK businesses lead from the front in adapting for the future.


The innovation challenge will:

  • Accelerate the development of innovative cyber-security solutions that meet FS and wider industry demand;
  • Support cross-sector collaboration and information sharing on an emerging and/or key cyber-security challenge (including between industry and policing); and
  • Provide thought leadership on catalysing cyber innovation in the UK


Over the course of 6 weeks participants will work together to address the use case through tech solutions and present the results at the end of the project. A showcase event at Guildhall will also be held to reflect on the Challenge.


Our time line for the Challenge is as follows:

  • W/C 15 May: applications open
  • 31 May: applications close
  • W/C 5 June: applications will be reviewed and successful applicants notified across the week
  • W/C 19 June: the innovation sprint begins
  • W/C 24 July: project wrap up and wider promotion
  • 19 September: showcase event at Guildhall


For more information visit:


Cyber Innovation Hub Employee/Applicant Skills Survey 2023

Published: 4th May 2023


Employee/Applicant Survey


What are your career aspirations?

Are you a graduate who might be interested in a career in cyber security? 

Are you in a cyber/technical role and would like to upskill? 

Are you interested in cyber as a potential career move?


Funded by Welsh Government and the Cardiff Capital Region, the Cyber Innovation Hub aims to transform South Wales into a leading cyber security cluster by 2023.


We are on a mission to upskill 1,500 people with a range of Cyber Security training that will address the identified cyber skills gap, by 2030.


We are seeking your help and feedback to help shape the portfolio of courses that we design and offer, to help close the cyber skills gap and provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities for people in the region.


Please join us on this transformation by completing the following short survey - Job Market Applicants Survey (English):



Wedi'i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Phrifddinas Rhanbarth Caerdydd, nod y Canolfan Arloesi Seiber yw trawsnewid De Cymru yn glwstwr seiberddiogelwch blaenllaw erbyn 2030.


Rydym ar genhadaeth i uwchsgilio 1,500 o bobl gydag ystod o hyfforddiant Seiberddiogelwch a fydd yn mynd i’r afael â’r bwlch sgiliau seiber a nodwyd, erbyn 2030.


Rydym yn gofyn am eich help a’ch adborth ar sut mae’r bwlch sgiliau seiber yn effeithio ar eich sefydliad, a fydd yn llywio’r portffolio o gyrsiau rydym yn eu dylunio a’u cynnig, i helpu i gau’r bwlch ac uwchsgilio eich gweithlu.


Ymunwch â ni ar y trawsnewid hwn trwy gwblhau'r arolwg byr canlynol - Job Market Applicants Survey (Welsh):


Cyber Innovation Hub Employer/Recruiter Skills Survey 2023

Published: 4th May 2023

Recruiter and Employer Survey


Do you find it hard to recruit people with cyber security skills? 

Would you like to train your staff to be more cyber aware? 


The Cyber Innovation Hub is here to help. Funded by Welsh Government and the Cardiff Capital Region, the Cyber Innovation Hub aims to transform South Wales into a leading cyber security cluster by 2030.


We are on a mission to upskill 1,500 people with a range of Cyber Security training that will address the identified cyber skills gap, by 2030.


We are seeking your help and feedback on how the cyber skills gap that is impacting your organisation, which will inform the portfolio of courses that we design and offer, to help close the gap and upskill your workforce.


Please join us on this transformation by completing the following short survey - Recruiter and Employer Survey (English):



Ydych chi'n gweld hi'n anodd recriwtio pobl â sgiliau seiberddiogelwch?

Hoffech chi hyfforddi eich staff i fod yn fwy ymwybodol o seiber?


Mae’r Canolfan Arloesi Seiber yma i helpu. Wedi'i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Phrifddinas Rhanbarth Caerdydd, nod y Canolfan Arloesi Seiber yw trawsnewid De Cymru yn glwstwr seiberddiogelwch blaenllaw erbyn 2030.


Rydym ar genhadaeth i uwchsgilio 1,500 o bobl gydag ystod o hyfforddiant Seiberddiogelwch a fydd yn mynd i’r afael â’r bwlch sgiliau seiber a nodwyd, erbyn 2030.


Rydym yn gofyn am eich help a’ch adborth ar sut mae’r bwlch sgiliau seiber yn effeithio ar eich sefydliad, a fydd yn llywio’r portffolio o gyrsiau rydym yn eu dylunio a’u cynnig, i helpu i gau’r bwlch ac uwchsgilio eich gweithlu.


Ymunwch â ni ar y trawsnewid hwn trwy gwblhau'r arolwg byr canlynol - Recruiter and Employer Survey (Welsh):


Opportunity to partner with multi-national

Published: 20th December 2022

ScotlandIS, the membership and cluster management organisation for Scotland's digital technologies industry, have been engaged by a large multi-national organisation wishing to engage with cyber delivery partners at a grass roots/regional level.


In addition to their footprint in Scotland they also have operational activities within other UK cluster geographical areas (Including Wales).


This is a live project with significant budget in place. Although ScotlandIS are not currently in a position to reveal the client details, they have been tasked with pulling together capabilities of cyber organisations who may wish to engage as part of the delivery projects.


Any organisation interested in finding out more about this opportunity, please contact [email protected] and we will send you a short capability document to compete and return it to.


David Ferguson, Cyber Development Lead at ScotlandIS on [email protected]


In order to provide feedback regarding companies who respond, please make sure you highlight your membership of Cyber Wales in your submission.


Whitmore High School Aspire Sessions - March 2023

Published: 8th December 2022

Would you be able to help with a request from Whitmore High School?


They are looking for employers to attend a session with their Year 9 Aspire pupils (MAT - More Able and Talented) – to do a 30 min STEM activity with the pupils.


All sessions are from 8:00 to 8:30am.  The dates they have given are:


Session 2 Fri 3rd March

Session 3 Tues 7th March

Session 4 Fri 10th March

Session 5 Tues 14th March

Session 6 Fri 17th March

Session 7 Tues 21st March


If you can do any of these dates please contact Geraldine Doyle of Careers Wales on E-mail: [email protected]

Women in Cyber Wales Update - December 2022

Published: 30th November 2022

As we approach the end of 2022 and wonder where on earth the year has gone, I'd like to ask you to complete a very quick (5-10 mins) survey on the Women in Cyber Wales network and what you'd like to see next year. We've been a bit quiet in the second half of this year, but we're hoping to restart things in the new year, working with a Young Women in Cyber network who are in the process of setting up with our support and the support of the National Digital Exploitation Centre.

The survey is available here and will be open until mid December for responses: Please feel free to forward the survey to anyone in your own networks.


In other news:

Training Opportunity

QA have a fantastic free of charge training opportunity for up to 12 women who want to train or retrain into the security profession in a non-technical role. This would be a virtual course starting in the new year and no prerequisites are needed.  The content will cover cloud security, cyber security management and auditing and on successful completion students will achieve 2 ISACA certifications (Why ISACA | Global Business & Technology Community | ISACA).  The delivery schedule itself is yet to be defined but we will aim to schedule around existing commitments.

QA are currently seeking expressions of interest but you will need to be quick. If you want to find out more please contact [email protected] in the next few days.

That's all for now!

Cofion cynnes | Kind regards  


Clare Johnson 
Sylfaenydd Menywod Mewn Seiber Cymru | Founder Women in Cyber Wales
Ymgynghorydd Gallu Seiber | Cyber Capability Consultant | ITSUS Consulting  

You are receiving this because you have agreed for your details to be stored so that you can receive information on Women in Cyber Wales. For further information on how your data is processed please read our Privacy Statement If you wish to unsubscribe from this list please let me know: [email protected]

Update from the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) - September 2022

Published: 20th September 2022

My September update for everything DASA in Wales (and wider). I hope you managed to have some well-deserved time off during the summer holiday and are raring to go in the build up to Christmas!

We are still in the first cycle of the new Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP)which is a new opportunity to apply for grant funding with DASA. This £16M programme, running initially for 3 years is designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises across the UK to develop innovative materials, technologies and processes, and to enhance defence supply chains.
The programme offers up to 50% grant funding to collaborations between UK-registered Lower Tier Suppliers and Higher Tier Suppliers developing projects which support the current and upcoming equipment capabilities and technology priorities of the Ministry of Defence. The maximum total allowable value of each DTEP project is £1M (therefore, the maximum grant award is £500K).

Current DASA Activity

Themed Calls

Since my last update we have one new themed competition open -

Disruptive Science and Technology Impacting the Future of Defence – we have an initial £750k available to fund small (£50k), short (4 months), low Technology Readiness Level (TRL 1-2) ideas. The aim of this is to identify new ideas and ways of doing things that are potentially disruptive to Defence and then to further develop the understanding of the ideas and their future impact. We are open to ideas from any discipline that you believe may, in the future, disrupt the current ways of innovating and have the potential to lead to radical change. Closing Date of 12th October at midday.

We have one which is closing soon -

Point of Care Diagnostics at the Front Line Phase 2 – we have £1M available and expect to fund two proposals to Technology Readiness Level 5 for proposals on novel and innovative ‘Point of Care’ diagnostic technologies that provide information to enable clinicians to diagnose and treat individuals earlier and more effectively following exposure to biological or chemical agents. Closing Date of 22nd September at midday.

Open Call

There are no new Innovation Focus Areas (IFAs) since my last update, as a summary the latest focus area includes ideas around –

  • Countering Improvised Explosive Devices by Novel Technologies and Techniques (IFA034)
  • Human Augmentation (IFA033)
  • Audio and Visual capture for National Security Technologies (IFA032)

We are likely to suspend the older innovation focus areas within the open call from the next cycle (from 20th September onwards) as follows –

  • Simulating Future Battlespace Complexity (IFA024)
  • Defence People – Skills, Knowledge and Experience (IFA023)
  • Operate and Deliver Effects in Contested Domains (IFA022)
  • Delivering Agile Command and Control (IFA021)
  • Integrate Information and Physical Activity Across all Domains (IFA020)

Upcoming Events/Items of Interest

We within DASA alongside the MODs SME engagement team are hosting a virtual ‘doing business with defence’ session. This is to give an overview of the different options available to innovations when working with defence including opportunity to ask questions. It’s on Monday 26th September at 1400, more information at this link .

The Royal navy are hosting a virtual event on Tuesday 27th September at 1100 around littoral strike command force mobility. The session will introduce the Commando Force’s interest in tactical mobility of personnel and capabilities which are optimised for long-range manoeuvre in high threat environments and climactic extremes. Registration by 20th September via this link .  

Finally, I want to congratulate Exsel Electronics Ltd, based in Welshpool, Powys who were recently successful on the Defence Rapid Impact Open call on an idea in accelerating technology across a low-cost data centric security facilitation device.

As always, if you want anymore information or a chat to discuss anything – please feel free to reach out to me.

Many thanks



Dyma fy niweddariad ym mis Medi ar gyfer popeth sy’n ymwneud â DASA yng Nghymru (ac yn ehangach). Rwy’n gobeithio eich bod wedi llwyddo i gael amser i ffwrdd o’r gwaith yn ystod gwyliau’r haf a’ch bod yn barod i wynebu’r cyfnod sy’n arwain at y Nadolig!

Rydym yn dal i fod yng nghylch cyntaf y Rhaglen Defnyddio Technoleg Amddiffyn (DTEP) , sy’n gyfle newydd i wneud cais am gyllid grant gyda DASA. Mae’r rhaglen £16M hon, fydd yn cael ei chynnal i ddechrau am 3 blynedd, wedi’i chynllunio’n bennaf i gefnogi busnesau bach a chanolig ledled y DU i ddatblygu deunyddiau, technolegau a phrosesau arloesol, ac i wella cadwyni cyflenwi amddiffyn.

Mae’r rhaglen yn cynnig hyd at 50% o gyllid grant i gydweithrediadau rhwng Cyflenwyr Haen Is sydd wedi’u cofrestru yn y DU a Chyflenwyr Haen Uwch sy’n datblygu prosiectau sy’n cefnogi blaenoriaethau technoleg a galluoedd offer presennol ac arfaethedig y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn. Y swm uchaf a ganiateir ar gyfer pob prosiect DTEP yw £1M (felly, uchafswm y grant a ddyfernir yw £500mil).

Gweithgareddau DASA Presennol

Galwadau Thematig

Ers fy niweddariad diwethaf, mae gennym un gystadleuaeth thema newydd ar agor –

Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Tarfol yn Effeithio ar Ddyfodol y Sector Amddiffyn – mae gennym gyfanswm cychwynnol o £750mil ar gael i ariannu syniadau bach (£50mil), byr (4 mis), Lefel Parodrwydd Technoleg isel (TRL 1-2). Nod hyn yw canfod syniadau newydd a ffyrdd o wneud pethau a allai darfu ar y sector Amddiffyn, ac yna datblygu dealltwriaeth o’r syniadau hyn ymhellach a’u heffaith i’r dyfodol. Rydym yn agored i syniadau o unrhyw ddisgyblaeth rydych chi’n credu a allai, yn y dyfodol, darfu ar y ffyrdd presennol o arloesi a bod â’r potensial i arwain at newid radical. Dyddiad cau: hanner dydd, 12 Hydref.

Mae gennym un sy’n cau cyn bo hir -

Diagnosteg Pwynt Gofal yng Ngham 2 y Rheng Flaen – mae gennym ni £1M ar gael ac rydym yn disgwyl ariannu dau gynnig ar gyfer Parodrwydd Technoleg Lefel 5 ar gyfer cynigion ar dechnolegau diagnostig ‘Pwynt Gofal’ newydd ac arloesol sy’n darparu gwybodaeth i alluogi clinigwyr i wneud diagnosis a thrin unigolion yn gynt ac yn fwy effeithiol ar ôl dod i gysylltiad ag asiantau biolegol neu gemegol. Dyddiad cau: hanner dydd, 22 Medi.

Galwad Agored

Nid oes unrhyw Ardaloedd Ffocws Arloesi newydd ers fy niweddariad diwethaf, fel crynodeb mae’r maes ffocws diweddaraf yn cynnwys syniadau ynghylch –

  • Defnyddio Technolegau a Thechnegau Newydd i fynd i’r afael â Dyfeisiadau Ffrwydrol Byrfyfyr (IFA034)
  • Cynyddu Gallu Dynol (IFA033)
  • Recordio Sain a Gweledol ar gyfer Technolegau Diogelwch Cenedlaethol (IFA032)

Rydym yn debygol o gael gwared â’r meysydd ffocws arloesed h?n yn yr alwad agored o’r cylch nesaf (o 20 Medi ymlaen) fel a ganlyn -

  • Efelychu Cymhlethdod Integreiddio a Chyfuno Lluoedd Arfog yn y Dyfodol (IFA024)
  • Pobl Amddiffyn – Sgiliau, Gwybodaeth a Phrofiad (IFA023)
  • Gweithredu a Chyflawni Effeithiau mewn Meysydd Cystadleuol (IFA022)
  • Gorchymyn a Rheoli yn Ystwyth (IFA021)
  • Integreiddio Gwybodaeth a Gweithgarwch Corfforol ar draws pob Parth (IFA020)

Digwyddiadau sydd ar y Gweill/Eitemau o Ddiddordeb

Rydym ni yn DASA, ochr yn ochr â thîm ymgysylltu busnesau bach a chanolig y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn, yn cynnal sesiwn ‘gwneud busnes gyda’r Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn’ ar-lein. Pwrpas hyn yw rhoi trosolwg o’r gwahanol opsiynau sydd ar gael ar gyfer arloesi wrth weithio yn y diwydiant amddiffyn, a bydd cyfle hefyd i ofyn cwestiynau. Cynhelir y digwyddiad ddydd Llun 26 Medi am 1400, ac mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael drwy ddilyn y ddolen hon .

Mae’r llynges Frenhinol yn cynnal rhith-ddigwyddiad ddydd Mawrth 27 Medi am 1100 ynghylch sut i orchymyn ymosodiadau arfordirol. Bydd y sesiwn yn cyflwyno diddordeb y Lluoedd Comando mewn defnyddio personél mewn ffordd dactegol yn ogystal â’r galluoedd sydd wedi’u hoptimeiddio ar gyfer symudiadau pell mewn amgylcheddau risg-uchel ac eithafion hinsoddol. Cofrestrwch erbyn 20 Medi drwy ddilyn y ddolen hon

Yn olaf, rwyf am longyfarch Exsel Electronics Ltd, sydd wedi’i leoli yn y Trallwng, Powys a fu’n llwyddiannus yn ddiweddar ar alwad agored Amddiffyn Effaith Cyflym gyda’u syniad fydd yn cyflymu technoleg ar draws dyfeisiau hwyluso diogelwch cost isel sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddata.

Fel bob amser, os ydych chi eisiau rhagor o wybodaeth neu sgwrs i drafod unrhyw beth – mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi.

Diolch yn fawr

Tech Nation Rising Stars Competition 2022

Published: 16th September 2022

I wanted to share details of our national competition for early stage scaleups which is now open for applications, Rising Stars.
The Tech Nation Rising Stars competition focuses on showcasing the most exciting and innovative early-stage scaleups from every region of the UK providing a platform for companies across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland to raise their profile.

Tech Nation Rising Stars:
  • Showcases companies through content and PR, leveraging Tech Nation's significant network and social media reach
  • Provides pitch training and access to expertise to help companies become investor-ready
  • Supports companies in the competition to meet investors through VC office hours and pitching opportunities
  • Provides corporate venturing support and a platform for companies to grow their business through increased visibility to customers
  • Gives companies access to workshops, masterclasses and drop ins on all the key topics for early stage scaling businesses, with insights from experts and later stage founders
  • Creates a peer network and community across the UK of founders at the same stage
Rising Stars eligibility:
  • Seed to pre-Series A funding stage OR revenue focused and generating £1.5m or less annually
  • A digital tech business with a product or service to sell*
  • At least one active client or pilot
  • Able to demonstrate market traction
  • Incorporated and HQ’d in UK
  • Company incorporated between 1-5 years
This year we will have in person City Celebration Events in November to bring together local tech communities across the UK, as well as regional pitch events in January to help identify which companies will compete for 10 winning spaces. 
It is a really exciting competition for companies to be part of, with lots of value for applicants through every stage of the competition. 

Wales Tech Founder Update - September 2022

Published: 6th September 2022

Your monthly(ish) list of updates from TechNation...
Rising Stars
Rising Stars is open for applications, find out more information here
Student Placements
MyPocketSkill have started a campaign with educational institutions to connect students for placements with SMEs. These are fully flexible, mostly free for companies and focus on digital skills.  They've run successful trials now across the country, most notably in Bristol and Manchester. Please see PDF attached for more info.
Tech Nation Masterclasses
Our alumni team is running the following masterclasses in the next month or so. We've opened them up so that non-alumni can join too, all free.
  • Investment/finance:
    • Thurs 8 Sept, 9am-10am: Post Series A Finance Considerations - Cooper Parry: deep dive on tackling the challenges in finance as you scale and are getting ready for your next round, sign up here
    • Tues 13 Sept, 11am - 12pm: Recover corporation tax using R&D Tax Credits: The session will outline the opportunities for UK Limited tech companies to recover corporation tax using the UK governments R&D Tax Credits scheme. Sign up here
    • Weds 14 Sept, 12pm - 1pm: Equity crowdfunding with Crowdcube: comprehensive overview of crowdfunding from the industry leaders (also fellow alumni). Sign up here:
  • Leadership/Personal development
    • Thurs 20 Sept, 12pm - 1pm: How To Create a Life and Business Vision That Actually Works with Caterina Kostoula, Leaderpath. Caterina is ex senior at Google turned exec coach, she is highly regarded and 'gets it'. Sign up here
  • Sales
    • Tues 27 Sept, 11.30am - 12.30pm:10 lessons helping scale B2B SaaS sales teams from Seed to Exit - Matt Milligan, Uhubs.  We will cover some of the key learnings they have had through helping some of the fastest growing B2B SaaS companies from G2 to Zoom hire, ramp up and develop their sales talent. Sign up here
  • People
    • Tues Oct 11th, 11am - 12pm:  Pros & Cons for interim support with Ben Sanders and Marina Maxwell, JBM. How to determine whether interim/flexible support is right for your business and how to best leverage the support. Sign up here
    • Weds Oct 19th, 11am - 12pm: Early-stage Senior Hiring with James Mitra and Louise Buckland from JBM. why it’s important to get senior hiring right and sharing lessons from working in executive search for over 10 years - from sourcing great talent, running an effective process and sharing examples of companies who have got it right. Sign up here

Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg - October 2022

Published: 5th September 2022

Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg is back in a brand new format

Save the date and secure your spot!

For the first time, CYBERSECURITY Luxembourg will bring together, under one roof, the cybersecurity community and key international partnersduring the 2022 Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg, in the frame of the European Cyber Security Month. This global event will showcase a conference stream and an exhibition area, where each actor is offered the opportunity to be visible and share its expertise with its peers, potential partners and customers.

We all have a role to play

The event will involve public and private actors coming from Luxembourg, the neighbouring region, Europe and beyond. Decision-makers, C-levels, researchers, cybersecurity professionals from different sectors and industries and everyone looking for cybersecurity insights are expected to attend the event.

Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. One of the main objectives of the Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg is to share the latest trends and best practices to face the cybersecurity challenges that lie ahead. Many actors from the cybersecurity ecosystem will be there to present their most innovative solutions and create new connections.

The event is open to everyone, free of charge.

Discover an exciting programme

Conference stream

A wide range of topics will be addressed. From technical to institutional, the different keynotes and panel discussions will explore the various areas of cybresecurity-related activities.

Exhibition area

Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg is an excellent occasion to create new connections, strengthen existing synergies and learn more about the latest innovative solutions.

International Matchmaking Event by b2fair®

The Cybersecurity International Business Meetings by b2fair®, organised by the Enterprise Europe Network of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, will provide you with a unique matchmaking experience, combining both the personalised professional guidance of an experienced matchmaking team and the advantages of a digital business platform driven by AI technology.

All Wales Trade Mission to Bangladesh - 26 November 2022

Published: 3rd September 2022

The trade mission will depart the UK on Friday 25th November arriving in Dhaka in the early hours of Saturday 26th November.


The delegation will be based in Dhaka but visits to Chittagong and Sylhet will be included for those wanting to visit these cities with overnight stay and a Trade Mission Reception in each of the 3 Cities.


The British High Commission, Dhaka & Bangladesh High Commission, London, will be providing support in this Mission. Where possible group meetings will be arranged with a number of the Bangladeshi Ministries and Chambers of Commerce. Networking receptions will be organised and a ‘Meet the Mission’ half day programme will also be set. In addition, delegates will be exposed to ethnic entrepreneurs via the Chamber network in Bangladesh during the mission with an interest in joint venture projects.


The delegation will depart Dhaka on Friday 2nd December arriving back in the UK on Saturday 3rd December.


Ready-made garments (woven and knitwear); textiles; chemical; sugar; fertiliser; cement; pharmaceutical; frozen food; food & drinks; healthcare; jute goods; leather; waste water treatment; energy production including renewable and ship building.


Machinery and equipment; chemicals; iron and steel; yarn; textiles; food grain and other foodstuffs; crude petroleum and petroleum products; plastic and rubber articles.


For more information about the trade mission, the cost and support provided contact: The International Team on [email protected]

Cyber Security Sector Newsletter September 2022

Published: 1st September 2022

One of the advantages of working at DCMS is seeing the synergies between the different parts of government. Earlier this month, as a part of the hugely successful Commonwealth Games, the Department for International Trade hosted the Commonwealth Business Hub. This fantastic event included a roundtable chaired by DCMS on the challenges and opportunities in cyber and AI in the UK and Canada. There were panel discussions on how to retain top tech talent in the UK and the role of the West Midlands cyber ecosystem in developing the next generation of cyber security specialists. It was clear that there is a lot that the UK and Canada can learn from each other, and even more that we can cooperate on.


This month sees fieldwork begin for the next iteration of the Cyber Security Breaches Survey, which will be published in March 2023. This important piece of research helps to inform our government policy and is a great way of exploring how businesses approach their own cyber security. Ipsos have been commissioned on behalf of DCMS to conduct the interviews and we would greatly appreciate your participation if your organisation is selected. 


Building on the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2022, DCMS has published a new policy paper exploring organisational experiences of cyber security breaches. Among the businesses that took part, there is a consensus that cyber crime is a significant and growing business risk, with cyber attacks increasing in both volume and technical sophistication. However, knowledge of the threat landscape varies greatly depending on the organisation.


Finally, the International Cyber Expo is taking place on 27-28 September at Olympia London. DCMS will be attending to promote the National Cyber Strategy and the cyber companies which have been through our growth and innovation programmes. It promises to be a great few days, bringing together innovation, international cyber intelligence and government. 


Erika Lewis, Director, Cyber Security and Digital Identity

International Cyber Expo 2022 - 27-28 September 2022

Published: 25th August 2022

You asked. We listened. Our answer? International Cyber Expo, held at Olympia London on the 27th - 28th September 2022.


Nineteen Group is a renowned trade exhibitions business with dozens of world-leading events, including International Security Expo (ISE) - a global homeland and commercial security event. In its 20th year, ISE continues to thrive, but after extensive research, we have launched a new cybersecurity-focused event designed to shake up the status quo and give the industry an event they’ve been asking for – an innovative, must-attend exhibition designed by the community, for the community, that combines a Global Cyber Summit with live immersive demonstrations and informal networking.


As you know, cybersecurity is not a tick-in-the-box exercise, nor simply a product to sell. It’s an ecosystem composed of brilliant minds in a variety of functions; from government officials, entrepreneurs and academics to technical experts, executives and venture capitalists. Each of whom play a role in influencing the future of cybersecurity as well as protecting businesses and the wider public from cyber threats.


International Cyber Expo has been created to provide a space where these relationships can be nurtured. Far from a stuffy commercial event, the Expo is a refreshing alternative having found a perfect balance: it offers an intimate setting to network with the who’s who of cybersecurity, an invaluable educational experience to stay one step ahead in the fight against cybercriminals, without sacrificing the opportunity to showcase or purchase the latest cutting-edge technologies and services


Its agenda is shaped by a diverse and esteemed Advisory Council chaired by Professor Ciaran Martin CB (former CEO of the NCSC) and made up of credible government, industry and academic stakeholders. Organisations represented in the Advisory Council include Microsoft, IASME, Hiscox, University of Oxford, the National Cyber Resilience Centre Group and the Department for International Trade. 


So, what can you look forward to?

  • Global Cyber Summit : Sponsored this year by Snyk, the Global Cyber Summit will look at the real cyber issues impacting us today and in tomorrow’s interconnected world. In a combination of roundtable discussions, fireside chats and presentations, sessions will explore a variety of themes; from cyber warfare, ransomware, and the legal landscape as it relates to data privacy, to building diversity into one’s business culture, and the questions raised by emerging technologies like the metaverse, blockchain and quantum computing. For the full programme, visit: 

  • CISO Roundtables (By Invitation Only): Sit down with 8 - 12 Chief Information Security Officers to hear about the latest challenges they are facing, and ask your burning questions. 

  • Cyber Griffin Tabletop Exercise: This award-winning tabletop exercise is designed to explore the decisions that people make in real-life scenarios in order to protect their businesses from modern-day threats.

  • Connect+ Live: A meeting service to connect qualified international buyers with sellers based on their buying needs.

  • Immersive Cyber Demonstrations: Professional actors from Crisis Cast deliver immersive demonstrations on how to prepare for cyber threats, explore vulnerabilities and survive in the new age of information warfare. This is a great opportunity to showcase your products in a live environment.

  • Tech Hub Stage: An opportunity to launch products and services, and talk about real-life applications and case studies of your game-changing solutions. 

  • International Pavilions: A range of International Pavilions expand the market opportunity and international nature of this high-level cybersecurity event.

  • Government Zone: With support spanning the Home Office, UKDSE, UK Cyber Council, Joint Security and Resilience Centre (JSaRC) and more, the Government Zone provides a central meeting point for visitors to network and discover the latest projects and plans for the future from UK Government departments, organisations and agencies, bringing the most senior and influential figures to the event.


International Cyber Expo’s Founding Partners include Fortinet, Snyk, ThreatLocker, Mimecast and e2e Assure.


To register for FREE as a visitor:

To find out how you can take part as an exhibitor, please feel free to get in touch with Eleanor Hall ([email protected]).

Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni World of Work days

Published: 22nd August 2022

Would you like to support Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni at their 'World of Work' days on the following dates:


  • Yr. 11 Mon 24th Oct Gwyndy site
  • Yr. 11 Tues 25th Oct Geli Haf site
  • Yr 10. Mon 14th Nov Gwyndy site
  • Yr.10 Tues 15th Nov Geli Haf site


The school are having 2 World of Work days (the school is on 2 sites hence, the 4 dates) for their year 11 & year 10 students. The event will be a whole day with employers delivering 5x1 hour lessons (all the same) to the whole year group.


There is no expectation to attend for all 4 dates so if you could you identify which day/days you could attend that would be great:


The format of the workshops will be a presentation around your company/organisation looking at careers within the sector, an activity for the students finishing with a Q&A session.


This is a Welsh medium school, however sessions can be delivered bilingually.


If you would like to support the school, please contact Michele Govier, Business Engagement Adviser, Careers Wales at [email protected]

Update from the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) - August 2022

Published: 17th August 2022

August update for everything DASA in Wales (and wider). No doubt you all are having a good summer and hopefully getting the opportunity to enjoy some well-deserved time off.

It’s a busy summer for us in DASA as we have just launched the Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP). You might have heard me talking about the scheme at a number of different events or within this newsletter. It has now gone LIVE! Full details are within the competition document – Link here .

In short, DASA supported by Innovate UK has launched DTEP, a new opportunity to apply for grant funding. This £16M programme, running initially for 3 years is designed to support small and medium-sized enterprises across the UK to develop innovative materials, technologies and processes, and to enhance defence supply chains.

The programme will offer up to 50% grant funding to collaborations between UK-registered Lower Tier Suppliers and Higher Tier Suppliers developing projects which support the current and upcoming equipment capabilities and technology priorities of the Ministry of Defence. The maximum total allowable value of each DTEP project is £1M (therefore, the maximum grant award is £500K).
It an exciting opportunity and one which I want to share with as many applicable organisations across Wales as possible. Please come and speak to me if you are interested.

Onto our more ‘traditional’ offerings… 

Current DASA Activity

Themed Calls

Since my last update we have one new themed competition open -

Point of Care Diagnostics at the Front Line Phase 2 – we have £1M available and expect to fund two proposals to Technology Readiness Level 5 for proposals on novel and innovative ‘Point of Care’ diagnostic technologies that provide information to enable clinicians to diagnose and treat individuals earlier and more effectively following exposure to biological or chemical agents. Closing Date of 22nd September at midday.

We have three more which are closing soon -

Generation after next Wearable Technologies – up to £750k of funding available for innovative wearable technologies that focus on wearable biocompatible technologies. Closing Date of 25 August at midday.

Engineering Biology for Defence and Security - this competition seeks proposals for innovative technologies that take synthetic biology concepts, and uses them to improve defence capability and address its challenges. Competition closes on 26 August at midday.

The Veterans Health Care Innovation Fund – we have £2.7m of funding available on behalf of the Office of Veterans Affairs to look at innovations that improve the techniques and pathways for meeting veterans’ physical and mental health needs. Closing Date of 31 August at midday

Open Call

There are no new Innovation Focus Areas (IFAs) since my last update, as a summary the latest focus area includes ideas around –

  • Countering Improvised Explosive Devices by Novel Technologies and Techniques
  • Human Augmentation
  • Audio and Visual capture for National Security Technologies

Upcoming Events/Items of Interest

The UK Atomic Energy Authority are hosting the 23rd Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) Conference on 7th to 9th September 2022 at Culham Science Centre in Oxfordshire. This event maybe of interest for those of you working in the autonomous robotics research and application areas. More information on the event is at this link .

Ofwat have announced a new wave of funding through their £200 million Innovation Fund, with the next Water Breakthrough Challenge opening on 3 October 2022. This includes an £8M catalyst stream for entries seeking funding between £500,000 and £2 million and a £30 million Transform Stream seeking entries between £2-10 million. In addition to this they also have a new open access competition which will make approximately £4 million available to early-stage ideas from any sector. More information on this opportunity is at this link .

As always, if you want anymore information or a chat to discuss anything – please feel free to reach out to me.

Many thanks



Dyma yr niweddariad ym mis Awst ar gyfer popeth sy’n ymwneud â DASA yng Nghymru (ac yn ehangach). Gobeithio eich bod chi'n cael haf da ac y cewch chi gyfle i fwynhau amser haeddiannol o’r gwaith.

Mae’n haf prysur i ni yn DASA gan ein bod newydd lansio’r Rhaglen Defnyddio Technoleg Amddiffyn (DTEP). Efallai eich bod wedi fy nghlywed yn siarad am y cynllun mewn nifer o wahanol ddigwyddiadau neu yn y cylchlythyr hwn. Mae wedi mynd yn FYW erbyn hyn! Mae’r manylion llawn yn y ddogfen gystadleuaeth – Dolen yma .

Yn gryno, mae DASA, a gefnogir gan Innovate UK, wedi lansio DTEP, cyfle newydd i wneud cais am gyllid grant. Mae’r rhaglen £16M hon, fydd yn cael ei chynnal am 3 blynedd i ddechrau, wedi’i chynllunio’n bennaf i gefnogi busnesau bach a chanolig ledled y DU i ddatblygu deunyddiau, technolegau a phrosesau arloesol, ac i wella cadwyni cyflenwi amddiffyn.

Bydd y rhaglen yn cynnig hyd at 50% o gyllid grant i gydweithrediadau rhwng Cyflenwyr Haen Is sydd wedi’u cofrestru yn y DU a Chyflenwyr Haen Uwch sy’n datblygu prosiectau sy’n cefnogi blaenoriaethau technoleg a galluoedd offer presennol ac arfaethedig y Weinyddiaeth Amddiffyn. Cyfanswm gwerth grant uchaf a ganiateir ar gyfer pob prosiect DTEP yw £1M (felly, uchafswm y grant a ddyfernir yw £500K).

Mae’n gyfle cyffrous ac yn gyfle yr hoffwn ei rannu â chynifer o sefydliadau perthnasol ledled Cymru ag sy’n bosibl. Mae croeso i chi ddod i siarad â mi os oes gennych chi ddiddordeb.

Ymlaen i’n cynigion mwy ‘traddodiadol’... 

Gweithgareddau DASA Presennol

Galwadau Thematig

Ers fy niweddariad diwethaf, mae gennym un gystadleuaeth thema newydd ar agor -

Diagnosteg Pwynt Gofal yng Ngham 2 y Rheng Flaen – mae gennym ni £1M ar gael ac rydym yn disgwyl ariannu dau gynnig ar gyfer Parodrwydd Technoleg Lefel 5 ar gyfer cynigion ar dechnolegau diagnostig ‘Pwynt Gofal’ newydd ac arloesol sy’n rhoi gwybodaeth i alluogi clinigwyr i wneud diagnosis a thrin unigolion yn gynt ac yn fwy effeithiol ar ôl dod i gysylltiad ag asiantau biolegol neu gemegol. Dyddiad cau: hanner dydd, 22 Medi.

Mae gennym dri arall sy’n cau cyn bo hir -

Cynhyrchu ar ôl y Technolegau y mae Modd eu Gwisgo nesaf – hyd at £750k o gyllid ar gael ar gyfer technolegau arloesol y gellir eu gwisgo sy’n canolbwyntio ar dechnolegau bio-gydnaws y gellir eu gwisgo. Dyddiad cau: hanner dydd, 25 Awst.

Bioleg Peirianegol ar gyfer Amddiffyn a Diogelwch – mae’r gystadleuaeth hon yn chwilio am gynigion ar gyfer technolegau arloesol sy’n defnyddio cysyniadau bioleg synthetig, ac yn eu defnyddio i wella gallu amddiffyn a mynd i’r afael â’i heriau. Mae'r gystadleuaeth yn cau hanner dydd, 26 Awst.

Cronfa Arloesi Gofal Iechyd Cyn-filwyr – mae gennym £2.7m o gyllid ar gael ar ran y Swyddfa Materion Cyn-filwyr i edrych ar ddatblygiadau arloesol i wella’r technegau a’r llwybrau ar gyfer diwallu anghenion iechyd corfforol a meddyliol cyn-filwyr. Dyddiad cau: hanner dydd, 31 Awst

Galwad Agored

Nid oes unrhyw Ardaloedd Ffocws Arloesi newydd ers fy niweddariad diwethaf, fel crynodeb mae’r maes ffocws diweddaraf yn cynnwys syniadau ynghylch –

  • Defnyddio Technolegau a Thechnegau Newydd i fynd i’r afael â Dyfeisiadau Ffrwydrol Byrfyfyr
  • Ehangu Dynol
  • Recordio Sain a Gweledol ar gyfer Technolegau Diogelwch Cenedlaethol

Digwyddiadau sydd ar y Gweill/Eitemau o Ddiddordeb

Mae Awdurdod Ynni Atomig y DU yn cynnal y 23ain Cynhadledd Tuag at Systemau Robotaidd Awtonomaidd (TAROS) ar 7 a 9 Medi 2022 yng Nghanolfan Wyddoniaeth Culham yn Swydd Rhydychen. Mae’n bosibl y bydd y digwyddiad hwn o ddiddordeb i’r rheini ohonoch sy’n gweithio yn y meysydd ymchwil a chymhwyso roboteg ymreolaethol. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y digwyddiad ar gael drwy ddilyn y ddolen hon .

Mae Ofwat wedi cyhoeddi ton newydd o gyllid drwy ei Gronfa Arloesi gwerth £200 miliwn, gyda’r Her Torri Tir Newydd y Diwydiant D?r nesaf yn agor ar 3 Hydref 2022. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ffrwd sbarduno o £8M ar gyfer ceisiadau sy’n gofyn am gyllid rhwng £500,000 a £2 miliwn a Ffrwd Drawsnewid gwerth £30 miliwn sy’n gofyn am geisiadau rhwng £2-10 miliwn. Yn ogystal â hyn, mae ganddynt hefyd gystadleuaeth mynediad agored newydd a fydd yn sicrhau bod oddeutu £4 miliwn ar gael ar gyfer syniadau cam cynnar o unrhyw sector. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y cyfle hwn ar gael drwy ddilyn y ddolen hon .

Fel bob amser, os ydych chi eisiau rhagor o wybodaeth neu sgwrs i drafod unrhyw beth – mae croeso i chi gysylltu â mi.

Diolch yn fawr

Awareness Survey - Uses of Machine Learning in SMEs

Published: 11th August 2022

Cardiff Metropolitan University and Aytel Systems Ltd as part of the collaborative research sponsored by the Welsh Government, the European Union and KESS2 (Knowledge Economic Social Scholarship Fund), would like your feedback on understanding the barriers and challenges of :
Awareness of Machine Learning Cyber Security( MLCS) Software Packages in Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs). The uses of  MLCS in the protection of data within the SME, against Cyber Threats as part of the SME Cyber Security implementations.
We will ask you for some high-level demographic information to help us take action based on your feedback. It will not be possible to identify any individual respondent from this survey unless you ask to be contacted.

ASIS Middle East 2022

Published: 18th July 2022

The premier industrial security forum in the Middle East


For the first time since its inception, ASIS Middle East will be held in Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the 14th to the 17th of November 2022. Now in its 10th instalment, ASIS Middle East is a tried and tested formula event that attracts the whole security value chain and connects it with its most qualified target audience.


Initiated by ASIS International, ASIS Middle East is the allencompassing security forum that combines a series of outstanding events under one roof:


  • A three day conference offering cutting edge ASIS certified content that helps security professionals advance their career
  • A commercial exhibition where companies can showcase their expertise and services to end-users & decision-makers
  • Exclusive functions that enables effective networking between all attendees: sponsors, delegates, VIPs, speakers and exhibitors


Top reasons to exhibit at ASIS Middle East 2022


Energy giant Saudi Aramco has sponsored & exhibited at ASIS Middle East since its inception.


Exhibiting at ASIS Middle East 2022 is the most efficient way to connect with those who matter to your business - a targeted audience of decision makers and end users,
offering a tremendous return on investment.


What makes ASIS Middle East so unique?

  • Led by the region’s largest industry leaders such as ARAMCO, SABIC, SADARA and many more...
  • Connecting security companies to thousands of decision makers and end users tasked with critical asset protection across the region
  • Supported by law enforcement bodies & governmental regulators


Reserve your space now: [email protected]


Networking Opportunity for UK SMEs with USA Government Officials at FIA 2022

Published: 4th July 2022

UK SMEs / USA Networking Opportunity @ FIA 2022


At FIA 2022, we are offering a networking opportunity between UK-based and overseas visitors from the USA. The US is a very important overseas market for UK industry, which offers excellent prospects for UK SMEs.

This event will facilitate unrestricted access to key Government representatives and buyers from the USA giving you the chance to discuss your company’s capabilities.

The Programme, including light refreshments, is as follows:

Country: USA
Date / Time: Thursday 21st July 2022 @ 1000hrs
Venue: UK DSE Lounge
Format: Brief introduction from UK DSE and Delegation lead, followed by informal networking


Click the button below for more details.


More Details

Summer Networking Meeting 2022

Published: 4th July 2022

Save the Dates: Summer Networking

11th & 13th July 2022


This July, you are cordially invited to join our Summer Networking Meetings for in person connection, discussion, and insights. Technology Connected will be sharing big announcements and our hosts will be presenting industry insights. 


Reserve Your Space

          Save the Date: Cardiff                                                                                                                                                                          Save the Date: Wrexham

              11th July 6 - 8pm                                                                                                                                                                                      13th July 6 - 8pm

                  Venue: TBC                                                                                                                                                                                        Venue: Moneypenny


What to Expect     

The Summer Networking Meeting will open with some time to mingle and have a drink, before a short presentation with Technology Connected and tech leaders where we’ll be making some big announcements. 


The rest of the evening’s meetup will be for you to make connections with others in the tech sector. The floor will be yours to network, without 60 second sales pitches. Join us to boost your connections in an informal, relaxed environment with like minded professionals.


Save Your Spot


Get Involved

If you would like to host the South Wales event in Cardiff with us at your venue or offices, please email Avril Lewis

The Wales Technology Awards 2022

Published: 30th June 2022

This September, we invite you to join us as we celebrate Wales’s tech industry. The Wales Technology Awards brings together the incredible Welsh technology ecosystem, putting a spotlight on its impact today and tomorrow.


Book now for a night celebrating your industry, clients, colleagues, and peers – it’s time to bring out the suits and gowns for a black-tie gala!


Book Now



Each of the 12 Awards categories celebrates the who’s who and what’s what of the tech community in Wales, showcasing tech’s incredible people, innovations, and achievements. 


We can’t wait to bring Wales’ technology industry together in person for the Awards. The Awards are a great way to connect with other tech leaders, discover innovative organisations, and celebrate the ingenuity of Welsh technologies. 


Members of Technology Connected can book a seat or table at a discounted rate. 


Explore Booking Options



The Wales Technology Awards panel of judges are globally recognised in their fields. Chairing the expert Judging Panel is Aled Miles, President & Chief Executive Officer of Sauce Labs and Welsh Government Envoy to the United States. Also on the panel are Priya Guha MBE, Venture Partner Merian Ventures & NED UKRI; Matt Warren, Founder and CEO of Veeqo, and Richard Theo, Founder of Wealthify and ActiveQuote. Read more here.



Be part of the tech showcase of the year. As a Partner your company is in the spotlight, supporting the Welsh technology industry in front of key influencers and stakeholders, and reaching thousands of invited businesses across Wales and the UK. 


Please contact Elizabeth Scott or Avril Lewis to become a partner of the Wales Technology Awards 2022.


Wales Technology Awards Partners

Innovate UK Survey

Published: 30th June 2022


Be Honest - What do you think of Innovate UK KTN?


We need your help. We'd love you to spare 10 minutes to take our online survey. It's to help us understand how you'd like to recieve communications from us and what your platform of choice is.


Do you have Facebook and love Linkedin? Do you like a chunky newsletter landing in your inbox every month or do you prefer bite size tweets? Do you like to browse instagram or are you more of a podcast person?


Innovate UK KTN covers a wide-range of sectors and we often have lots of information about events. funding and industry news that we think you'll be interested in. But are we getting you the right information in the right way?


We'd love to shape and evolve our marketing but we need you to help us.


So please, grab a cuppa and tell us what you think.


The legal bit. All responses are fully anonymised. They will be shared with out third party survey company, Versiti Ltd. If you are not happy for your anonymised survey response to be shared, please do not complete the survey. Click here for more information about how your anonymised data will be handled



Take The Survey Now

Export Market Visit to North and South Carolina Oct 2022

Published: 29th June 2022

Welsh Government would like to invite your company to participate in its export market visit to Charlotte, North and Greenville, South Carolina, USA. 17th October - 21st October 2022



USA is one of Wales top export markets and ranks as the largest market in the world. USA is an attractive market due its large, affluent and diverse population. It’s a stable Economy with relatively low regulatory barriers. It is the largest tech market in the World and one of the biggest spenders on Healthcare and medical products.

USA offers good export opportunities to Welsh companies in the consumer, technology and food & drink.



This visit will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your company, gain valuable contacts and build your exports in this market.

By participating in this visit, you will benefit from:

  • Cost effective means of visiting the market.
  • Network and engage with key businesses and decision makers in the market
  • Sharing knowledge and information with other participants
  • Assistance with travel arrangements through appointed travel agent
  • Attend networking events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material for the mission



The Welsh Government is supporting* companies to take part in this export market visit.

The cost is £1500.00. This includes:

  • Return flights
  • In-market transfers
  • 6 night’s accommodation with breakfast
  • Attendance at in-market events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material


If you would like maximise your time at the event, we can offer support for a programme of 3-4 meetings to be arranged for you by one of our business consultants. This service will be included in the costs above.


This offer is avaliable to one representative per company.


Deadline for application is 5th August 2022


Register Here - Export Market Visit to North and South Carolina


*Subject to eligibility.

Export Market Visit to Singapore Oct 2022

Published: 29th June 2022

Welsh Government would like to invite your company to participate in its export market visit to Singapore. 22nd October - 29th October 2022



Singapore is a small, but wealthy city-state. It is a leading global business hub and a financial, shipping and trade hub for the Asia Pacific region. Singapore has an open and trade driven economy, which offers good export opportunities for Welsh businesses.



This visit will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your company, gain valuable contacts and build your exports in this market.

By participating in this visit, you will benefit from:

  • Cost effective means of visiting the market.
  • Network and engage with key businesses and decision makers in the market
  • Sharing knowledge and information with other participants
  • Assistance with travel arrangements through appointed travel agent
  • Attend networking events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material for the mission



The Welsh Government is supporting* companies to take part in this export market visit. The cost is £2,000.00. This includes:

  • Return flights
  • In-market transfers
  • 6 night’s accommodation with breakfast
  • Attendance at in-market events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material


If you would like maximise your time at the event, we can offer support for a programme of 3-4 meetings to be arranged for you by one of our business consultants. This service will be included in the costs above.


This offer is available to one representative per company.


Deadline for application is 3rd September 2022


Register Here - Singapore Export Visit


*Subject to eligibility.

Clean Energy Export Market Visit to the Basque Country October 2022

Published: 29th June 2022

Welsh Government would like to invite your company to participate in its Clean Energy export market visit to the Basque Country. 17th October - 21st October 2022


Spain is the fifth largest economy in the European Union (EU) and now one of the fastest growing in the eurozone. The population of Spain is about 47 million making it one of the biggest consumer markets in the EU.


The Basque Country economy continues to grow and offers good export opportunities for Welsh Businesses, in the Energy, Life Science, Healthcare, Education, and Food and Drink sectors, and is a good springboard to explore the rest of the Spanish market.


We are delighted that this export market visit coincides with Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) and the International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) 17-21 October in San Sebastian, Spain, enabling Welsh exporters to participate in this unique and prestigious world event.


This visit will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your company, gain valuable contacts and build your exports in this market.

By participating in this visit, you will benefit from:

  • Cost effective means of visiting the market.
  • Network and engage with key businesses and decision makers in the market
  • Sharing knowledge and information with other participants
  • Assistance with travel arrangements through appointed travel agent
  • Attend networking events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material for the mission


The Welsh Government is supporting* companies to take part in this export market visit.

The cost is £1,000.00. This includes:

  • Return flights
  • In-market transfers
  • 5 night’s accommodation with breakfast
  • Attendance at in-market events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material
  • Collaboration opportunities with counterparts in this sector
  • Programme of meetings with business contacts
  • Attendance at Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) and the International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE)


If you would like maximise your time at the event, we can offer support for a programme of 3-4 meetings to be arranged for you by one of our business consultants. This service will be included in the costs above.


This offer is avaliable to one representative per company.


Deadline for application is 5th August 2022


Register Here - Clean Energy Export Market Visit to the Basque Country


*Subject to eligibility.

Welsh Government Trade Mission Programme - Autumn 2022

Published: 29th June 2022

Welsh Government Trade Mission Programme


The Welsh Goverment have some exciting opportunities for Tech and Cyber Businesses within their Autumn Trade Mission Programme, particulary the following Export Market Visits.


Canada: 12-16 September

Kanata, Ottawa is home to the second largest Tech cluster in North America with almost 600 companies, employing close to 80,000 people, including businesses working with Sir Terry Matthews and Wesley Clover. The Trade Mission presents an opportunity to explore those Welsh – Canadian links and the opportunities in Kanata. The trip will also provide opportunities for those wishing to explore the business and industry sectors in Toronto or Montreal.


Singapore: 22-28 October

Singapore is a small, but wealthy city-state, a leading global business hub and a financial, shipping and trade hub for the Asia Pacific region. It has an open and trade driven economy, which offers good export opportunities for Welsh businesses. This visit provides opportunities to gain valuable contacts and build exports. The visit is also planned to coincide with Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology ( ).


The Welsh Goverment would also like to highlight the following trips to Japan: 3 - 7 October and USA - Carolinas: 17 - 21 October that will present opportunities to businesses operating across Tech and Cyber.


Further information, and links to register your interest in the Trade Missions is located here: Overseas events | Business Wales - Export (

BCS South Wales Branch Update

Published: 27th June 2022

BCS South Wales Branch Update


I wanted to take this opportunity to say a big thanks to all those who have supported the BCS and our branch over the past year.  As we reach the end of our 2021-22 programme, we’re celebrating yet another successful year of events, having worked with many great speakers and professionals from across the industry, as well as working on collaborative events with our partners from BCS mid-Wales and colleagues from the South Wales IET branches.


We’re already looking forward to the next year’s diary with our 2022 AGM planned for later September.  As the branch continues to expand and our membership numbers grow becoming the second largest branch in the UK, we’re looking to fill some more volunteer roles on our branch committee.  We’re specifically looking for a Social Media and Publicity Officer, an Inclusion and Diversity Officer and an Early Careers Advocate.  If you’d like more information on these volunteer roles, then please email me at the following address [email protected]


The branch continues to develop it’s STEM and outreach work across the region, particularly around educating young learners, parents and teachers around robotics. Our special interest working group has been working alongside STEM See Science  team for the past five years developing and delivering a basic introduction to robotics within schools and science fairs.  The Lego Mindstorm kits have been the main tool used to bring the topic to life for children. However, during the pandemic, in-person delivery wasn’t possible so the group took the step of capturing the lesson in the form of short videos and supporting materials that could be used by teachers in schools. This lesson plan can be found here on the STEM resources server:

Cyber Leader's Brief Webinar with Professor Awais Rashid, University of Bristol

Published: 23rd June 2022

Cyber Leader's Brief with Special Guest Awais Rashid, Professor of Cyber Security at University of Bristol

Register Now!

Join us for July's interactive 'fireside' chat with Simon Hepburn, CEO of the UK Cyber Security Council, alongside special guest, Awais Rashid, Professor of Cyber Security at the University of Bristol.

Our third Leaders Brief session in late-July will be a great opportunity to hear about Awais’ career journey to date, his route into becoming a professor in cyber, and his background in cyber research.

About Professor Awais Rashid

  • Awais Rashid is Professor of Cyber Security at University of Bristol where he heads the Cyber Security Group
  • He is editor-in-chief and principal investigator for CyBOK and Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Trust, Identity, Privacy and Security in Large-Scale Infrastructures
  • He is also Director of the National Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction and Adversarial Influence Online (REPHRAIN)
  • His research interests are focussed in security of cyber-physical systems, software security and human factors
  • He leads projects as part of the UK Research Institute on Trustworthy Interconnected Cyber-Physical Systems (RITICS), UK Research Institute on Sociotechnical Cyber Security (RISCS), the Digital Security by Design Hub+ (Discribe) and the PETRAS National Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security of IoT

The event will take place as a virtual Q&A from 1-2pm on the 26th July, with attendees encouraged to put forward questions to Awais surrounding his background, the cyber sector and his route into the industry. 

To register for the event, please click the Hopin link below.

Export Market Visit to Japan Oct 22

Published: 22nd June 2022

Welsh Government would like to invite your company to participate in its export market visit to Tokyo, Japan


Why Japan?
Japan is the world’s third largest economy and the fourth largest internationally trading nation. It is a highly developed market, with modern infrastructure and is seen as the high-tech powerhouse economy of Asia. 


Japan is a diverse, high consumer spending market, offering good export opportunities for Welsh businesses.


Why Attend?
This visit will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your company, gain valuable contacts and build your exports in this market.
By participating in this visit, you will benefit from:

  • Cost effective means of visiting the market.
  • Network and engage with key businesses and decision makers in the market
  • Sharing knowledge and information with other participants
  • Assistance with travel arrangements through appointed travel agent
  • Attend networking events
  • Inclusion in any marketing material for the mission


The Cost
The Welsh Government is supporting* companies to take part in this export market visit.

The cost is £1,900.00 This includes:

         • Return flights
         • In-market transfers
         • 6 night’s accommodation with breakfast
         • Attendance at in-market events
         • Inclusion in any marketing material


If you would like maximise your time at the event, we can offer support for a programme of 3-4 meetings to be arranged for you by one of our business consultants. This service will be included in the costs above.

This offer is available to one representative per company.


Deadline for applications is 22 July 2022


Register Here - Export Market Visit to Japan


*Subject to eligibility.

June Update from the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) Innovation Partner in Wales

Published: 21st June 2022

Current DASA Activity

Themed Calls
We currently have one themed competition open -

Its good for Missiles to talk – we are aiming to identify and develop novel technologies that could be exploited in the development of a new category of missile – cooperative missiles. It is envisioned that by working together, cooperative missiles will offer the UK armed forces far more capability in the future than they have today. This includes technologies around distributed detection, identification, navigation, data processing and Artificial Intelligence  – this closes on 02 August 2022

Open Call
We have a new Innovation Focus Area within the open call –

IFA034 – Countering IEDs by Novel Technology and Techniques. We are interested in accelerating electronic capabilities which can counter Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) particulary around novel methods which either use the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum. Looking for demonstration of solutions at a minimum of Technology Readiness Levels 5/6, over 6 to 18 months, with a funding circa £150k and £400k per project.

Details of this and our other innovation focus areas covering Human Augmentation, Wearable Technology, Audio/Visual Capture and many more are included at this link.

Future DASA Activity
I anticipate a number of future themed calls upcoming from us within DASA in the next 12 months covering a number of different technologies across -

·     Future wearable technology

·     Cyber Technologies

·     Medical Diagnostics

I should stress this is a work in progress at the current time. I would advise that you sign up to the notifications from the DASA communications team (let me know if you want to do this), follow DASA on LinkedIn and Twitter to get notified as soon as a new competition goes live. 

Our new Defence Technology Exploitation Programme (DTEP) is was soft launched by the Minister at the Supercharging science event in Newport last week. The official launch with details on how to apply is following shortly. For those interested in DTEP and wider collaboration across DASA funding, please register for our new service – the Ideas Marketplace as this is a key enabler. Not only will it be critical for the collaborative nature of DTEP, but it will also help connect organisations who want to collaborative across the wider DASA funding options.  If you are interested, I would urge you to sign up now – before DTEP is launched.

Upcoming Events/Items of Interest
DASA through the Welsh government and Business Wales is hosting an online event to highlight the wider funding options within the organisation, including our Defence Innovations Loans scheme and the new Defence Technology Exploitation Programme. This will be hosted my myself and the Access to Mentoring and Finance Partner who cover Wales – Anis Mourad. This is FREE and will be 13 July 2022 at 1400.

Sprint Space Sector is hosting an update and speed networking event on the 24 June 2022 in Belfast. The event is free to attend and aims to showcase the breadth of space sector opportunities to businesses in Northern Ireland, as well as and promote regional cross-collaboration, strengthening the links between all UK regions.

For those of you who work with drones, may wish to respond to the Ofcom consultation regarding proposals to introduce a new spectrum licence for drone operators. The proposed UAS Operator Radio licence would authorise the use of a range of technologies that are not currently permitted today such as beyond visual line of sight using mobile or satellite technologies. Responses are required by 05 September 2022.




Gweithgareddau DASA Cyfredol

Galwadau Thematig
Ar hyn o bryd mae gennym un gystadleuaeth thematig ar agor -

Taflegrau’n Siarad – rydym yn anelu at nodi a datblygu technolegau newydd y gellid manteisio arnynt wrth ddatblygu categori newydd o daflegrau – taflegrau cydweithredol. Rhagwelir y bydd taflegrau cydweithredol, drwy gydweithio, yn cynnig llawer mwy o allu i luoedd arfog y DU yn y dyfodol nag sydd ganddynt heddiw. Mae hyn yn cynnwys technolegau sy’n ymwneud â chanfod, adnabod, llywio, prosesu data a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial – mae’r gystadleuaeth yn cau ar 02 Awst 2022

Galwad Agored
Mae gennym Ardal Ffocws Arloesedd newydd o fewn yr alwad agored –

IFA034 – Gwrthsefyll IEDs gyda Thechnoleg a Thechnegau Newydd. Mae gennym ddiddordeb mewn cyflymu galluoedd electronig sy’n gallu gwrthweithio Dyfeisiau Ffrwydrol Amrwd (IEDs) yn neilltuol o amgylch dulliau newydd sy’n defnyddio'r sbectrwm Amlder Radio (RF). Chwilio am atebion ar o leiaf Lefelau Parodrwydd Technoleg 5/6, dros 6 i 18 mis, gyda chyllid o tua £150k a £400k fesul prosiect.

Mae manylion hyn a’n meysydd ffocws arloesi eraill sy’n cwmpasu Ehangu Gallu Dynol, Technoleg Wisgadwy, Cipio Sain/Gweledol  a llawer mwy wedi’u cynnwys yn y ddolen hon.

Gweithgareddau DASA yn y Dyfodol
Rwy’n rhagweld y bydd nifer o alwadau thematig yn dod atom o fewn DASA yn ystod y 12 mis nesaf sy’n cwmpasu nifer o wahanol dechnolegau ar draws y canlynol -

·     Technoleg y gellir ei gwisgo yn y dyfodol

·     Technolegau Seiber

·     Diagnosteg Feddygol

Dylwn bwysleisio bod hwn yn waith sydd ar y gweill ar hyn o bryd. Byddwn yn eich cynghori i gofrestru ar gyfer yr hysbysiadau gan dîm cyfathrebu DASA (rhowch wybod i mi os ydych am wneud hyn), dilynwch DASA ar LinkedIn a Twitter i gael gwybod cyn gynted ag y bydd cystadleuaeth newydd yn mynd yn fyw. 

Lansiwyd ein Rhaglen Manteisio ar Dechnoleg Amddiffyn (DTEP) newydd gan y Gweinidog yn y digwyddiad Supercharging science yng Nghasnewydd yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae'r lansiad swyddogol gyda manylion ar sut i wneud cais yn dilyn yn fuan. I'r rhai sydd â diddordeb mewn DTEP a chydweithio ehangach ar draws cyllid DASA, cofrestrwch ar gyfer ein gwasanaeth newydd – y Farchnad Syniadau gan fod hwn yn alluogwr allweddol. Nid yn unig y bydd yn hanfodol i natur gydweithredol DTEP, ond bydd hefyd yn helpu i gysylltu sefydliadau sydd am gydweithredu ar draws yr opsiynau ariannu DASA ehangach.  Os oes gennych ddiddordeb, byddwn yn eich annog i gofrestru nawr – cyn lansio DTEP.

Digwyddiadau/Eitemau o Ddiddordeb sydd ar y gweill
Mae DASA drwy Lywodraeth Cymru a Busnes Cymru yn cynnal digwyddiad ar-lein i dynnu sylw at yr opsiynau ariannu ehangach o fewn y sefydliad, yn cynnwys ein cynllun Benthyciadau Arloesi mewn Amddiffyn a'r Rhaglen Manteisio ar Dechnoleg Amddiffyn newydd. Bydd hwn yn cael ei gynnal gennyf i a’r Partner Mynediad at Fentora a Chyllid sy’n gweithio yng Nghymru – Anis Mourad. Mae hwn AM DDIM a bydd ar 13 Gorffennaf 2022 am 1400.

Mae Sprint Space Sector yn cynnal digwyddiad rhwydweithio a diweddaru ar 24 Mehefin 2022 ym Melffast. Mae'r digwyddiad yn rhad ac am ddim i'w fynychu a'i nod yw arddangos ehangder cyfleoedd y sector gofod i fusnesau yng Ngogledd Iwerddon, yn ogystal â hyrwyddo cydweithio rhanbarthol, gan gryfhau'r cysylltiadau rhwng holl ranbarthau'r DU.

I'r rhai ohonoch sy'n gweithio gyda dronau, efallai y byddwch am ymateb i ymgynghoriad Ofcom ynghylch cynigion i gyflwyno trwydded sbectrwm newydd ar gyfer gweithredwyr drôns. Byddai’r drwydded radio gweithredwyr systemau awyrennau di-griw arfaethedig yn awdurdodi defnyddio ystod o dechnolegau nad ydynt yn cael eu caniatáu ar hyn o bryd heddiw megis mynd y tu hwnt i linell weledol o ran golwg gan ddefnyddio technolegau symudol neu loeren. Mae angen ymateb erbyn 05 Medi 2022.

Wales Tech Founder Update - June 2022

Published: 16th June 2022


Eamon Tuhami has recently launched Hwyl.Ventures which is a great resource full of free things like pitch decks, cap table templates, investor pipeline templates, growth tools etc. Please feel free to check it out.


Investment Roundtable Discussion: Scaling in a Downturn

Exploring the current investment landscape downturn - \"This fireside chat will focus on the uncertainty in the investment landscape right now, we will be questioning investors about what advice they would give to first time & seasoned founders throughout the UK raising capital. Followed by any questions you may have for the investors, as founders this is your opportunity to ask the tough questions.\"

Tech Nation Growth Programmes:

We have now opened applications for 7 of our growth programmes. Our programmes for seed to Series A businesses include our sector programmes of Applied AINet Zero and Fintech (which includes insurtech), along with Libra, our programme for underrepresented founders. 

For later stage companies, we have applications open for Upscale (post Series A / +£1.5m revenue) and Future Fifty (post Series B / + £5m revenue). Super excitingly we have also announced a brand new programme, Net Zero X, which is for later stage climate tech companies. 


Tech Nation Growth Platform:

Tech Nation has just launched its new Growth Platform - providing personalised content, data, masterclasses, support and a closed network for scale-up leaders.
Built from a decade of supporting scale-ups, including 30% of UK unicorns, we’re here to help scale-ups address and solve over 900 scaling challenges.
Add your leadership team to build their knowledge and networks, enabling them to solve challenges, save time and accelerate your scaling journey - 


Expanding to Canada

After recently meeting up with the Head of Canada on behalf of the Welsh Goverment. Canada is very keen to hear from tech companies that are intrested in expanding into Canada.



A few people have mentioned to me recently about finding a mentor. Below is a document from Barclays about getting paired up with an advisor/mentor. The details of their mentors and coaches can be found here, which includes information on the All Together CEO to CEO mentoring. Just scroll towards the bottom to read their bios and experience.